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"Carpetbaggers" was the term applied to Northerners who moved south, to build industries and influence the political changes caused by freeing the slave population. The Southern legislatures were required to ratify the 13th Amendment in order to regain representation in Congress.

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago

"Carpetbaggers" was the term used by Southerners for Northerners that came South after the Civil War to buy up land and introduce manufacturing into the economic system. This was much resented by the locals because the Southern-based plantation system had been viewed much like each man having his own kingdom, since there were many miles between neighboring farms.

The carpetbaggers were much needed at the time in order to spur the economy which had nearly come to a stop. But the locals resented these Northerners that were coming in with money to buy up their land (and control their politics) while they were in such poor economic times after the war. There is a scene in the movie "Gone with the Wind" (1939) about a carpetbagger that does show the essence of what the Southerners felt for these strangers who came into their region, unwanted and unwelcome.

*The term "carpetbagger" refers to the "carpetbags" they carried, a soft-sided fabric luggage (some like a valise) that was in style in the North.

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โˆ™ 12y ago

'Carpetbaggers' was the term for Northerners who packed a single bag and headed quickly South to exploit the low wages of unemployed blacks and whites in the ruins of the Confederacy.

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Q: What terms did southerners use to describe northners who came south after the start of reconstruction?
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The term "Carpet Bagger" was derived from the Northerners who came into the South after the Civil War during the Reconstruction era, believed to have come to the South for private profits. While "scalawag" was a negative term used against White Southerners by other White Southerners, stating they are in support of Reconstruction for private gain.

What was meant by the termย scalawagย in the South?

Scalawags were white Southerners who supported Reconstruction policies and efforts after the conclusion of the American Civil War.

Who were scalawags and the carpetbaggers?

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