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<b>THE US IS CURRENTLY FIGHTING TWO WARS: Afghanistan AND Iraq...</b><br /> "Iraq was started because of oil. George W. Bush thought it would be nice to kill people for oil. what a nice president. "<br /><br /><br /><nowiki>*Correction* </nowiki><br /><br /><br /><br />The war was started because intelligence around the world was stating that IRAQ had nuclear weapons. Everyone thought he had nukes, and we were wrong. Liberals would like you to think it was all about oil when everyone was as responsible for this as most of congress supported it. Also no one thinks it's nice to kill people to for oil, you have to be smoking something to believe what was said above. <br /><br /> AFGHANISTAN ON THE OTHER HAND WAS STARTED ONLY BECAUSE OF OSAMA AND THE 9/11 ATTACKS. MANY DEBATE IF ITS WORTH FIGHTING.<br /><br /><br /><nowiki>;*Correct*</nowiki><br /><br /><br />"Some debate whether it is worth fighting, however it is a debate because there are a lot of issues surrounding the fight."

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This is a rhetorical question. it changes from time to time. as of 2010, we are in the Iraq and Afghan wars

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Q: What wars are u.s. soldiers fighting in now?
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