Battle Fatique or Combat Fatique. It was called the same thing because the senior officers and NCOs leading the war in Vietnam were WWII era men. Generals Harkins, Westmoreland, Abrams (all Vietnam War commanders) had all fought in Europe against the Germans during WWII.
Unfortunately, it was Vietnam Veterans (victims) that were used to introduce that "Post Tramatic Syndrome" term. Unfortunately because it set the trend for abuse by everyone else (called "getting on the band wagon"-all occupations and all people). But during the Vietnam War "post tramatic syndrome" didn't exist, just combat or battle stress (fatigue).
Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the "Cold War". The Korea was the first "hot" battle of the "Cold War."
Vietnam War, the second "hot" battle of the Cold War.
Vietnam was called Vietnam after World War 2.
Vietnam was a shooting war (a hot war). A cold war is a NON-shooting war; a cold war is a "stand-off" between two (or more) adversaries. Technically, Vietnam, being part of the cold war...communism verses the free world...the Vietnam War was a "Hot BATTLE" of the cold war.
The people who supported the Vietnam War were commonly knowns as hawks.
Vietnam was a hot battle of the cold war.
Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the "Cold War". The Korea was the first "hot" battle of the "Cold War."
Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the cold war.
The Cold War; Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the cold war.
Vietnam War, the second "hot" battle of the Cold War.
Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the cold war.
The Cold War. Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the cold war.
Vietnam was called Vietnam after World War 2.
Hot battle of the cold war.
A "hot" battle of the cold war.
Hot battle of the Cold war.
Hot battle of the cold war.