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Corporal Hitler was a dispatch runner, taking messages back and forth from the command staff in the rear to the fighting units near the battlefield.

He was wounded at the Battle of the Somme and went home to Germany to recover but went home to see a country in near ruin. Hitler blamed most of this on the Jews (which is one of the reasons for his hatred of the Jews) and believed they were conspiring against Germany. He asked to go back to the front line and was promoted shortly afterwards. The man who suggested his promotion was in fact a Jew which is a fact that he later obscures and hides. He was also temporarily blinded. Meh.

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He never rose above a corpral.

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Q: What was Hitlers involvement in World War 1?
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The Nazi Party gained power during Germany's period of crisis after world war 1. Hitler's charismatic oratory to gain popularity, the party killed many of its opponents. After world war 1, Hitler became a dictator, who then pursued an aggressice foreign policy, with the goal of becoming the ruler of all. The British and French Empires were drawn into world war 2 when German invasion of Poland came in 1939. Here in the U.S. we did not come into the war until Sunday December 7th, 1941, when Pearl Harbor was attacked. So yes, Hitlers involvement in World War 1 affected him into World War 2. Go U.S.A.!!!..way did Hitler have to get involved in world war 1, and kill so many inosent people!!?!!

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They weren't. They were a neutral country.

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4 August, 1914.

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1914-1918 ..... American involvement

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Adolf Hitla wasn't alive in world war 1. he was in world war 2 as a german military officer and he was the leader of the country.

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Yes, particularly General Tom Nellis.