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The definition of "war" is the obtaining of a political goal, by other than political means. The physical offspring of that meaning is, "one military force trying to destroy another military force." Which entails the clash of armies, navies, and air forces. Another definition is a conflict carried on by force of arms, as between nations or between parties within a nation; warfare, as by land, sea, or air. :)

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12y ago

The US was trying to enforce its policy of anti-Communism in Southeast Asia. The USSR, the main Communist power at the time, was backing a Communist revolution that took control of the government. The US went in attempting to give control of the country back to a non-Communist leader, although they didn't care if that person ended up as a dictator, etc. The US failed, though, and they could not enforce their policy.

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To establish and maintain a non-communist free country.

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Communist North Vietnam's goal was to re-unite with the REPUBLIC of South Vietnam.

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Q: What were the political objectives of Vietnam?
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Did war prove to be a successful means of achieving US political objectives in Vietnam?

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The president of Vietnam is Nguyen Minh TRIET.