the rich would wear costly fabrics and the poor would wear wool and linen.howeve, the sumptuary laws dictated whta you could wear according to your rank
in the middle ages there were rich and poor knights
During the US Civil War, rich men could pay others to take their place. During the Vietnam War, rich men entered wealthy colleges to obtain "draft deferrments." Also, wealthy men could pay $300 to avoid being drafted. This upset many poor people, and the Civil War was also now know as the "Poor Man's War". It earned this title because so many poor men, and poor slaves were fighting for money, and were forced to fight.
One major way that rich and poor were affected differently in the Civil War was the draft. If a more wealthy person had 300 dollars, he could buy his way out of the draft or pay someone to replace him.
Sam Watkins was correct in saying that the Civil War was a rich man's war and a poor man's fight. There were more poor farmers fighting than rich plantation owners.
An act for "enrolling and calling out the National Forces"
she was like a normal family. not rich not poor but she became really rich being a singer!! she is awesome
she loves both because love is not about being rich or poor.
Being rich and then being poor is probably worse. After becoming accustomed to the wealthiness and the money, it would be very difficult to attempt to live without them.
Yes, some rich women do like poor guys.
Elizabeth Proctor was poor. She was around during the Salem witch trials, and accused of being a witch. She was the wife of John Proctor.
Monoply was made during the rescion to let the poor people fell what its like to be rich.
Its not rich man like you yes you
No I disagree, I believe that everyone has their own problems . No matter how rich or poor you are problems does count of being rich
it like 65% poor 35% rich
Children living in Britain during Victorian times, were either rich or poor. If they were poor, they often had to work to help out the family.
They are rich and they dress like they should and that is richly.
They are rich and they dress like they should and that is richly.