For the first time since the US Civil War, the US Navy created a "Brown Water Navy" to operate separately from their "Blue Water Navy" (Regular Fleet). While the regular fleet provided air strikes (aircraft carriers); and the battleship (USS New Jersey), cruisers (8 & 6 inch guns), destroyers (5 inch guns) provided naval gunfire support along the Gun Line; the Brown Water Navy operated the Riverine Forces consisting of Swift Boats (PCF-Patrol Craft Fast/all aluminim 50 footers), PBR's (Patrol Boat River-all fiberglass 32 footers), Alpha Boats (ASPB-all steel constructed Assault Support Patrol Boats), and Monitors (River Battleships). The ALPHA Boats were the only original "built just for Vietnam" (Made in Oregon) riverine boats, and were built to withstand River mines. Thusly, they often led the way down the rivers, as Mine Sweepers. Only one Riverine boat is suspected of being destroyed by North Vietnamese Aircraft: PCF-19 was possibly sunk by a NVAF helicopter in a running gun battle. See Swift Boat Down, by James Steffes (2005); ISBN 1-59926-612-1
Originally to secure US Naval bases installed in South Vietnam. Then later, as with the and destroy.
Approximately 3,600 1st and 2nd Lieutenants from all US branches perished in the Vietnam war. This figure includes US Navy Ensigns (0-1s).
Calling a "sailor" a "soldier" is like calling all doctors "surgeons." They were different occupations in WWII & Vietnam. During the Vietnam War US Soldiers belonged to the US Army; US Marines belonged to the US Marine Corps, US Airmen were part of the US Air Force, US Coast Guardsmen were members of the USCG, and men of the US Navy were called US Sailors. Approximately 174,000 US Sailors served in the Viet War.
Besides the US; Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Thailand, and the Philippines sent COMBAT units to Vietnam.
navy rating for radar operator
The passage of the Gulf of Tonkin resolution occurred due to sea battles in the Tonkin Gulf between the US Navy and the North Vietnam Navy.
Because the North Viet Navy attacked the US Navy in the Tonkin Gulf.
South Vietnam was a primary combatant with an Air Force, Navy, Army, and Marine Corps; all modeled upon the US forces...since they were using US equipment.
North Viet Navy attacked the US Navy in the Tonking Gulf in '64. The US retaliated.
US Navy verses North Vietnamese Navy.
Some websites: Vietnam War Combat Art, US Army Combat Art, USMC Combat Art, US Navy...the Vietnam Experience.
Because the North Viet Navy attacked the US Navy in the Tonkin Gulf.
2,555 US Sailors were killed in the Viet War.
The last US Navy Monitors were deactivated in Vietnam in 1970.
Two naval battles in the Tonkin Gulf between the US Navy & North Viet Navy.
Because the North Vietnamese Navy attacked the US Navy in the Tonkin Gulf.
Confrontations between the US Navy & North Viet Navy in the Tonkin Gulf in 1964.
I know the US Navy drafted in October of 1965 because they did NOT reach their enlistment quota