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Vietnam was about stopping communist aggression and the only benefit the US got out of it was: Experience (new and refined tanks, jets, artillery, body armor, etc.); a new adult age limit in the United States-dropped from age 21 to age 18; And an all-volunteer military.

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Q: What was the Vietnam war about and how did it help the us?
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Who invited the us to help in the Vietnam war?

No one

Why did the US offer help to south Vietnam in 1961?

The US offered to help south Vietnam in 1961 to help Vietnam preserve its independence from the North. It was during the Cold War, and the US was fighting Communist Russia across the world.

How did the United States help in the Vietnam War?

US was a primary combatant.

Why were other country's involved in the Vietnam war?

The US asked for their help.

Which country did the us help during the Vietnam war?

RVN (Republic of South Vietnam); which no longer exists.

Why the Vietnam war was so different for Us soldiers?

Because the war was to help a different country

Did the gurrilla tacties help the us in the Vietnam war?

Guerrilla warfare was largely used by the Viet Cong and not by the US Combatants in Vietnam. To answer your question, no.

Did any other countries help us in the Vietnam war?

austraila and france

Why was the US at war with Vietnam?

We were at war with Vietnam because they disagreed with us about something.

Who had the US tried to help north Vietnam or south Vietnam why?

The communist superpowers supported the north with war material. The US supported the south with men & material. Reason: Cold War.

According to which law did the US enter the Vietnam War?

The US entered because they signed a document saying that the will help with a war with communism.

WHERE did the US attack the Vietnam war?
