This timeline for the events that occurred with the Nazis and the Allies came from Wikipedia under the heading of World War 2. You can click on each month to get full details for each month of 1941.timeline of events that stretched over the period ofworld-war-ii.Contents[hide]timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941
There is no Civil War II. There is a World War II
World War II WWII WW2
The Blitz during World War II destroyed 19 churches in London when nearly 30,000 bombs were dropped. In addition to the churches, 31 guildhalls were destroyed, and thousands of people were killed.
Buckingham Palace suffered a direct hit in WWII, nobody was hurt.
T.S. Eliot did not fight in the war, but he did serve as a volunteer in the British Army during World War I as a way to contribute to the war effort. He worked as a firefighter during the London Blitz in World War II.
George S. Patton, grandfather of the famous World War II general.
The time period in "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" is during World War II, specifically the Blitz bombings in London. The story takes place in both the real world and the magical land of Narnia.
This timeline for the events that occurred with the Nazis and the Allies came from Wikipedia under the heading of World War 2. You can click on each month to get full details for each month of 1941.timeline of events that stretched over the period ofworld-war-ii.Contents[hide]timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941timeline-of-world-war-ii-1941
It was called Blitzkrieg- Blitz means "lightning" and Krieg means "war". Interestingly, the Germans didn't actually use the term. It was an invention of Western (mainly British) journalists to describe the new tactics being employed by the Germans in the early campaigns of World War II.
Prior to Pearl Harbor, Americans held the attitude that World War II was just another European war. Many believed the United States had been tricked into entering World War I and did not want another war that, they felt, had nothing to do with them.
World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.World War I and World War II both started in Europe.
The operation was known as the Blitz, which was a German bombing campaign against Britain during World War II. It lasted from September 1940 to May 1941 and caused significant destruction and loss of life.
Cardiff was the UK's biggest coal-exportin port, so it was a big target during the second world war. The first attack was in 1940.
World War I, World War II, and the Cold War
There is no Civil War II. There is a World War II
There was no Olympics in 1940 due to World War II. There was no Olympics in 1944 due to World War II. Also, there was no Olympics in 1916 due to World War I.