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Q: What was the casualty rate during the civil war?
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What contributed to the high casualty rate on the Civil War?


Who was the first civilian casualty of the Civil War?

Ginny Wade, a seamstress, was the first civilian casualty of the Civil War. She was the only Gettysburg civilian killed directly during the Battle of Gettysburg.

Which war is considered to have had the highest casualty rate?

I don't know what the highest overall death rate is, but the highest American death rate in a war was the Civil War, because we were fighting ourselves, so many Americans died.

In glory the method of fighting during the civil war contributed to the high casualty rate?

GloryThe formation of soldiers caused the high casualty rate during the civil war. Soldiers stood side by side fighting each other until one side withdrew. When shooting into a line it is extremely easy to hit somebody because you don't have to aim for one person because you are, most likely, bound to hit somebody. This is why so many people died during the civil war. By using frontal attacks the opponent has plenty of time to get ready, unlike when using guerrilla warfare.

What caused dysentery during the civil war?

Poor hygiene and camp sanitation contributed to the high rate of disease during the US Civil War.

Bloodiest battle in a single day during the civil war?

Antietam saw the highest one-day casualty lists.

What is a causality rate?

A casualty is someone who has been killed in an accident or war. Casualty rate is the amount of people that have been killed as a result of accidents or wars.

What did they have for medical equipment during the civil war?

Almost nothing. If you were wounded, you would probably die - which is one reason the casualty figures were so shocking.

What was the casualty count during the US Civil War?

620,000 soldiers died , more Americans than in all other US wars combined

Who was the first casualty of the Civil War?

Elmer Ellsworth was the first to die but the first actual casualty who didn't die was a man who was hit in the head with a club and his brain was damaged consequently.

How high were the casualty rates among Confederate generals in the US Civil War?

Casualty rates among Confederate generals during the US Civil War were high. In the war, 55% of all Rebel generals were either killed or wounded . This amounted to 235 of the 435 generals. Most of the Confederate losses among generals occurred as they led their troops into battle.

Do you know Which battle of the US Civil War was the deadliest?

Look at the casualty figures for each battle. Try Wikipedia's list of Civil War battles.