Controlled economies were common in eastern bloc countries.
controlled economies
It consisted of Eastern bloc nations. It allowed for Soviet troops to be stationed in member nations. It required members to fight in the defense of other member nations.
USSR wanted the countries to be communist but the other allies thought it would cause another rebellion the allies started fighting china, north korea, and the USSR so the USSR made blockades so they didn't get over run by allied forces
it was made up of Democratic and market-oriented nations.
Satellite NationsThey were known collectively as "The Soviet Bloc"
The Cold War is marked by heightened military and political tension between the Western Bloc and the Eastern Bloc. The Western Bloc consisted of the United States and nations in NATO as well as Japan. The Eastern Bloc included the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact nations.
controlled economies
This Eastern Bloc consisted of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Romania, Hungary, Albania, and Poland.
controlled economies
Eastern Bloc
Nations:PolandCzechoslovakiaHungaryRomaniaAlbaniaBulgariathe DDR (East Germany)The USSR
It consisted of Eastern bloc nations. It allowed for Soviet troops to be stationed in member nations. It required members to fight in the defense of other member nations.
This is correct. However the Cold War and World War 2 are long over and the Eastern Bloc Nations are no longer under Communist Rule of the Soviet Union.
The iron curtain divided the world into the eastern and western bloc.