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The desertion rate during World War 2 was 6.3 percent in 1944. By the time the war was over the desertion rate fell to 4.5 percent.

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Q: What was the desertion rate during World War 2?
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they dont discriminate between war or peace desertion. Policy was made by britishers and stays in effect... one of the top Officer says Airman can commit suicide but desertion is intolerable... I think on the name of discipline its too much, if desertion happens during war yes there has to be strict consequences but peace desertion should be treated with humanity.

During World War 2 how many US Soldiers were executed by the US Government?

A total of 102 for rape or murder and Private Eddie Slovik for desertion.

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A total of 10, all for rape or murder. None for the military crime of desertion.

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How many soldiers were executed by firing squad in World War 2?

Of all the United States soldiers charged with desertion during World War II, only Private Edward "Eddie" Donald Slovik was executed, late in the war, just after the Battle of the Bulge.

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306 british soldiers got executed for cowardice in World War One.

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Usually when a soldier runs away, he is shot for desertion. Either while trying to run away, or later, after he is caught. Death by firing squad is the usual punishment for desertion, especially during a war, partially during a battle.

What is desertion in World War I?

Just leaving the military without permission when drafted or joined, but getting sick or scared of it and leaving, which is illegal in all nations.

Where is Private Eddie Slovick US Army World War 2 buried?

Slovik, the only US soldier executed for desertion since the Civil War is buried with his wife at Detroit's Woodmere Cemetery.