Quite frankly, the allied powers were pussies, and were too afraid to do anything to prevent World War I. They had also never experienced a war quite like this one (what with the trench warfare and everything) and Wilhelm had a modernized and experienced Army.
I assume this is one of the questions for your homework...Its quite alright young one...
What was a popular drink during world war 1 & 2? What was a popular drink during world war 1 & 2?
The English speaking country on the edge of Japanese held territory and expansion during World War 2 was Australia. The US state of Hawaii was also near the edge of Japanese held territory in the Pacific Ocean.
Schools were not closed during World War 1.
During and after
Germany did not have enough oil, gas and rubber for a long war.
Japan took part in the World War while America was in its expansion era
expansion of empires and resouces
Japan took part in the World War while America was in its expansion era
All they needed was happiness to settle the war. There was no disadvantage.
This question does not indicate which government, nation or type of expansion. In Europe during World War 2 monarchies ruled the nations and there were no expansions. They had to give up their monarchies after World War 1. This allowed nationalism and democracy to begin in Europe. When Hitler came into power he changed Germany's rule to a dictatorship. Then after World War 2 Germany was able to return to democratic type government. In the US the only type of expansion was the United Nations being established in New York City.
Rapid technological advances during and after World War II paved the way for a massive synthetic fiber industry expansion during the 1960s and 1970s.
underwent political reform and economic expansion.
There was only a short term disadvantage; catching up to war time productin of men and material. There was no LONG-term disadvantage: The cold war turned out to be a good thing (good employment, highly advanced civilian & military technology (your computer is one of the by-products from that cold war).
i think there was really no disadvantage of guerrilla warfare during the revolutionary war.
axis expansion