Most Civil wars in history, i.e. the English Civil War and the American Civil War probably started time wise as the dawn broke. For they did not have the modern equipment to give them light, so it was very much a dawn to dusk war
While tensions and even confrontations had been experienced around the nation for months, it was not until April 12th of 1861 that the Civil War is generally considered to have begun officially. On this date, Confederates fired on Fort Sumter in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina, soon causing its Union defenders to surrender -- and the war to start.
the shooting at fort Sumter started the civil war and the confedarate fired at the union
it was started after the civil war
Civil War
it started the civil war, it was the battle that started the civil war, however u want to put it
The state of South Carolina was the first state to leave the United States prior to the Civil War. They started the Confederacy.
the beginning civil war battle place date and who started it
West Virginia is the state entered the Union during the Civil War. The exact date was on June 2, 1863.
The Civil War started on April 12th, 1861 at Fort Sumter in South Carolina. The date is ironic because the Civil War ended on April 9th, 1865. At Appomattox Courthouse in Virginia.
The Civil War officially ended on June 22, 1865 which is the date of the last shot being fired. The war began on April 12, 1861.
April 12, 1861
The Civil War ended May 10,1865. after the civil war ended people that lived in the south had to rebuild their homes and busses .when the ended slavery some slaves didn't have any home or job to work
One of the conflicts that started the civil war was slavery
Who started the civil war?
probably the USA
It was on 15 February 1942. For more information go to:
the shooting at fort Sumter started the civil war and the confedarate fired at the union