My mom
During the Mexican-American War, the Mexican leader, Santa Anna led the Mexican nation and acted as its military leader as well. For the US, the top military chief was General Winfield Scott. The US President was President Polk.
The Philippines was part of Spain until the Spanish/American War, when America gained the Philippines as a territory, then in 1946 they became an independent nation
The Republic of Texas was the only state that existed as a country before it became one of the United States. This occurred in 1845.
A territory can enter a nation through processes such as annexation, cession, or voluntary accession. These processes typically involve agreements between the territory and the nation being entered.
Texas. It was a separate country (after defeating Mexico and winning independence) for ten years before joining the US because it was broke and could sell off pieces of the country (now a state) to the US to pay off its debts. It joined in 1845, four years before California.
One goal of the democratic party was to expand the nation's territory.
The Mexican nation.
Mexican settlers of New Spain declared their independence in 1810 from Spain's colonial empire in the Americas , forming the new nation of Mexico which included the New Mexico territory at its north. A hoped for result of Mexico's independence.
Bermuda is a British Overseas Territory.
Mexico still considered Texas to be rebelling state with in its territory and not a free nation. There for settlements were considered a violation of sovereignty.
a commonwealth territory and a commonwealth nation.
Jefferson acquired The Louisiana Territory.
Its called Nation-State