It is important to the Jewish people because of King David of Israel.
Jewish answer:
The Star of David is not an important thing in Judaism, but it is understood (in the last few centuries) as a symbol of Judaism.
It is not important. It isn't mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, or the Talmud, or the Code of Jewish Law.
The Star of David is a symbol of minor significance, used very little until recent centuries.
During the Holocaust, those who didn't wear the Star of David were shot.
The yellow star of david had the word "Jude" on it as a symbol of Nazi Persecution. It was also used to make Jews recognizable.
It is King David's Star of David. The Star of David represents the unity of the Jewish people since the Jewish people were all united in the days of King David. In this era where Jews are scattered all over the world, this power of this unifying symbol is still stronger.
if the star of david is on someone's cloth, that meant the person was one of the person in the concentration camps
The David in the Star or Shield of David is King David from the Tanach (Jewish Bible).
the star of David belonged to king David of the Jews.
A Star of David has 6 points! A Star of David has 6 points!
In Hebrew, the name of the star is 'Magen David' which means David's Shield. It's said that this star was the shape of David's shield, the star itself isn't a symbol of David though.
The star of David is a factor in Judaism.
It is the Star of David, an important Jewish insignia.
The Hebrew word for the Star of David is the "Magen David",
The Star of David, or the Shield of David, is a Jewish civic symbol representing the Jewish Nation.
Jehovah's Witnesses study very carefully the 'origins' of things before accepting them with any kind of importance or validity. If something is NOT found in the BIBLE, then we are very careful about it.The 'star of David' is not found in the Bible. It is a 'NON-BIBLICAL' symbol, which Judaism has taken to itself. It seems that even David himself had no knowledge of the 'Star of David'.Here is what one authority states about the 'Star of David':"The origins of the Star of David are unclear.""The Star of David is not mentioned in rabbinic literature until the middle ages.""It doesn't have any religious significance in Judaism but it is one of the symbols most commonly associated with the Jewish people."So if it does not even have any 'religious significance' in Judaism; why would it have any significance among Jehovah's Witnesses.
There is no special writing associated with the Star of David, more accurately called "the Shield of David or Magen David.
There are six points on the Star of David, more properly called the Magen David or "Shield of David".