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The assassination of Franz Ferdinand (not the band)

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The Battle of The Somme

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to spread the plague of violence-loving!

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Q: What was the main purpose of World War 1?
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Who were the main leaders for World War I?

world war 1

What was the purpose of the committee of public information during World War 1?

To increase public support for the war

In World War 1 what was done for the purpose of creating a strong military?

Sending troops to Europe was done for the purpose of creating a strong military in World War 1. There is strength in numbers.

The purpose of combat of World War I and World War 2?

To simply end the war for world war 1, for world war 2 it was end the war and take down the Nazis

What was the main world war 1 theatres of war?

you mum was the reason

What role did the assassination play in the outbreak of the war?

It was the main cause

What was the purpose of fighting and killing in world war 1?

The purpose was to defeat the other power of group E.g Allies to defeat the Central Axis from gaining control of Europe and the main point of fighting and killing is to beat the enemy army's to end the war.

What was the purpose of World War 1?

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand (not the band)

What were the purpose of tanks during world war 1?

water transport

Why do Americans think they were important in World War 1 and World War 2?

because they are isolated from the main continent and were out of war.

The main fronts in world war 1 were in?

The main fronts in World War I were in France and in Russia. The Western Front was in France and the Eastern Front was in Russia.

What were the main weapons in World War I?

The main weapons used for world war 1 happen to be the muskets, poisonous gas, airplanes, and sniper rifles