Germany fought the us in world war 1
The treaty of Versailles which ended world war one was very unfiar to Germany. Germany had to give up a lot of land, pay reperations, and Admit they started world war one (which they didn't). Things like this and the crash of the Germany econimy helped lead to the rise of Adolf Hitler with his speaches of hope on how he will restore greater Germany, the econimy and Germany's honnor.
The north and south archs represent the "Atlantic" (European, Germany) and "Pacific" (Asia, Japan) theatres of the war.
World War 2 was started when the allies declared war on germany because Germany invaded poland. Germany invaded poland because Hitler wanted to reclaim the kand that germany lost after world war 1
what countries wre defeated in world war 1
National Socialist Party or Nazis
nazi is the answer
The religions in Germany in World War I were the same as now. About one third Catholic, one third Lutheran and one third other.
No, the German national anthem was not played at the end of World War II or the Holocaust. The anthem at that time, "Deutschlandlied", was associated with Nazi Germany and was not used after the war. The current German national anthem, "Das Lied der Deutschen", was adopted in 1952.
It was a dictatorship " the national Social List party of Germany" and ruled by Adof Hitler
Christian. romian-catholic mostly in the southern germay and lutheranism in the northern.
No, the last war in Germany was World War 2
Japan emerged as a world power, but Germany was weak and humiliated
Germany was left banrupt after world war two
No. Germany lost World War I.
Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's. NSB families National Socailist Bond supported the Nazi's so they got special treatment.
Germany was in WW I and WW II.