to decrease the chances of supply shortages and to ensure the U.S. military had enough supplies available
Food, Gasoline, rubber, metal
Food, gasoline, rubber, sugar, leather, silk, copper
Rationing. The government enforced a strict rationing of food, metals, rubber, clothing, etc. They needed the brassto make bullets.I just saw a program about the history of Levis jeans. During the war, the government rationed the amount of rivets that Levis could use in their jeans and even the amount of stitches. They elminated the "W" on the back pockets and painted it on instead.
rubber and gasoline
When a government lacks abundant resources to fill everyone's needs, or when food, gasoline and other goods have to be diverted from one place to another (for example, to military troops during a war), the government sometimes uses rationing to ensure there are enough resources to go around.This doesn't happen very often in developed nations, but rationing was used in the UK, Europe and the US during WW II, in the former USSR (a block of Communist countries that included Russia) due to food shortages in the 70s, and in the US (gasoline) in the early 1980s due to the oil embargo.During WW II, the US government issued special rationing books of coupons or stamps to each member of a household limiting their consumption of certain items that were in short supply. Rationed food included meat, coffee, cheese, butter and margarine, fruit products, processed foods (canned and frozen items), and sugar.Gasoline was also rationed in accordance with the level of importance the government assigned individuals' use of their cars. Each driver was issued a gas card, and was required to display a sticker in the car window, indicating the importance of the driver's transportation to the war effort. A stickers allowed the least amount of gas consumption, and were issued to regular workers; B stickers were issued to business owners and military manufacturing workers; C stickers were issued to doctors, dentists, and other professionals; M stickers were issued to motorcycle riders; T stickers were issued to truckers; and X stickers, which entitled the driver to unlimited amounts of gasoline, were issued to police, firefighters, ministers, and civil defense workers. Two hundred members of Congress created a scandal in 1943 by awarding themselves X stickers.Other rationed products included bicycles, typewriters, coal, firewood, shoes, metals, and rubber. In fact, rubber was in such short supply, the government began confiscating spare tires and other rubber products from ordinary citizens.
Gasoline, food, nylon, and rubber
The War Production Board was established by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1942. The purpose of the board was to regulate the production of materials during World War II. It was responsible for rationing materials such as fuel, rubber, and metals.
Food, Gasoline, rubber, metal
This is because they wanted Americans to save gasoline and rubber for the war
Food, gasoline, rubber, sugar, leather, silk, copper
Rationing of: Coffee, sugar, gas, oil, rubber (tires), silk stockings, and other items was imposed.
Home tip #1326 Clean rubber with a mix of water and gasoline. 10 parts water to 1 part gasoline.
t is the purpose of a rubber egg
the purpose of a rubber is if you make a mistake you can erase it
t is the purpose of a rubber egg
Yes. Some of the fractional distillates in gasoline can damage or corrode rubber, although some forms of synthetic rubber are more resistant (and hence used for such things as tires and fuel gaskets).
the purpose if rubber bands is the elastic,for example if you need to wrap somthing up you can use a rubber band