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as for the Nazis, after Hitler suicide on 1945, when the Russians entered Berlin, Germany declared Surrender. And as for the Japaneese, USA demanded surrender from Japan, but she didnt agree,then USA dropped the first atomib bomb ever in the history, and even afterthat atomic bomc Japan didnt Surrender, but after the second atomic bomb USA laid on Japa, they surrendered and by that pretty much ended the WW2

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19y ago

It ended the reign of Adolph Hitler. He and the Nazi regime were quickly gaining power to world domination. Another resolution was Japan, who was also an aggressive nation on the rise. These are some of the important effects of WWII. Also, the fact that revolution was victorious for some nations, sparked hope for other countries to strive for freedom themselves! The UN (United Nations) is another significant result. There are plenty of sites that have more information. For instance type in World War II under or any other search engine.

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9y ago

What do you mean by, "really resolved"? The three axis powerts surrendered unconditionally to the allies. End of war. Michael Montagne

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19y ago

With the total defeat and unconditional surrender fo each of the Axis powers. Michael Montagne

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