Because of the Geneva Convention, the cuty Japanese became monkeys and they were kiiled
Vietnam was split into to parts, north Vietnam which would be communist, and South Vietnam which would be anti-communist.
The Geneva Convention
The Geneva Accords (signed at the two-week-long Geneva Conference in Geneva, Switzerland).
Yes, After seeing Cadillac Records I was curious to see what Geneva looked like so I started searching and found a picture here is the link. search Geneva Morganfield
The Geneva Accords divided Korea in 1954
Geneva Accord
It prevented elections in South Vietnam
In the years following the Geneva Accord, Vietnam became more and more reclusive. The Vietnamese government banned all outside interference and communication.
Japanese residents were interned. Japanese POW were treated in accord with the Geneva Convention.
Vietnam was divided into two separate nations
The Geneva Agreements of 1954 (also, "Geneva Accords") arranged a settlement which brought about an end to the First Indochina War. The agreement was reached at the end of the Geneva Conference. A ceasefire was signed and France agreed to withdraw its troops from the region.
John T. Whitman has written: 'Geneva accord' -- subject(s): Protected DAISY
Ho Chi Minh's Communist nationalists would control the North.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to:, Answers.comThis article is about the proposal for peace between Israel and Palestine. There was also a Geneva_Conference_(1954) that concerned Vietnam, Geneva_Accords_(1988) that concerned Afghanistan, other Geneva_Conventionsand other Geneva_Conference.File:TelAvivDemonstration.jpgDemonstration in Tel_Avivsupporting Geneva Accord (2004) The Draft Permanent Status Agreement, better known as the Geneva Accord or Geneva Initiative, is an extra-governmental and therefore unofficial peace proposal meant to solve the Israeli-Palestinian_conflict. It would give Palestiniansalmost all of the West_Bankand Gaza_Stripand part of Jerusalem, drawing Israel'sborders close to what existed before the Six-Day_War. In return for removing most of the Israeli_settlementin those areas, the Palestinians would limit their "Palestinian_right_of_return" to Israel to a number specified by Israel and will drop all other claims and demands from Israel.The Accord was initiated by Professor Alexis_Kellerin 2002 and officially launched on December 1, 2003 at a ceremony in Geneva. Amongst its creators are Israeli politician Yossi_Beilin, one of the architects of the Oslo_accords, and former Palestinian_Authorityminister Yasser_Abed_Rabbo. Both noted that the Geneva accord does not obligate either of their respective governments, even though Abed Rabbo was a minister at the time of the signing.An expanded 400 page treaty proposal based on the accord was released in September
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to:, Answers.comThis article is about the proposal for peace between Israel and Palestine. There was also a Geneva_Conference_(1954) that concerned Vietnam, Geneva_Accords_(1988) that concerned Afghanistan, other Geneva_Conventionsand other Geneva_Conference.File:TelAvivDemonstration.jpgDemonstration in Tel_Avivsupporting Geneva Accord (2004) The Draft Permanent Status Agreement, better known as the Geneva Accord or Geneva Initiative, is an extra-governmental and therefore unofficial peace proposal meant to solve the Israeli-Palestinian_conflict. It would give Palestiniansalmost all of the West_Bankand Gaza_Stripand part of Jerusalem, drawing Israel'sborders close to what existed before the Six-Day_War. In return for removing most of the Israeli_settlementin those areas, the Palestinians would limit their "Palestinian_right_of_return" to Israel to a number specified by Israel and will drop all other claims and demands from Israel.The Accord was initiated by Professor Alexis_Kellerin 2002 and officially launched on December 1, 2003 at a ceremony in Geneva. Amongst its creators are Israeli politician Yossi_Beilin, one of the architects of the Oslo_accords, and former Palestinian_Authorityminister Yasser_Abed_Rabbo. Both noted that the Geneva accord does not obligate either of their respective governments, even though Abed Rabbo was a minister at the time of the signing.An expanded 400 page treaty proposal based on the accord was released in September
North Vietnam and South Vietnam were declared to be independent countries in July 1954 by the Geneva Accord. They were unified into one country in 1976.
The World Trade Organization which was established in 1995, is located in Geneva, Switzerland