To fight their hardest and never give up even though the North had better advantage.
the souths plan was for to wait till the north gave up or got tired like fort Sumter
was the key general of the south during the civil war
Winfield Scott
Adolf Hitler helped Franco in the Spanish Civil War. Hitler army had an advantage to test their weapons and tactics, and sharpen their battle skills in the Spanish civil war. And because he wanted to see who would not fight against him in the future.
the souths plan was for to wait till the north gave up or got tired like fort Sumter
The souths plan to win the war was to repel the attacks instead of invading the North.
Reconstruction Plan.
Jefferson Davis
to recognition that they are their own "country" that is the main purpose why the south started the civil war
was the key general of the south during the civil war
Many before and after the war were white supremacists.
yes,he was president of the souths side
Before the War it was great. During and afterwards it was terrible.
=The war was fought in the south so the land was destroyed. And crops were taken.=
it caused inflation, prices rose 9,000 percent %
What the h*!@is that suposed to mean!?