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Ia Drang...300 dead GI's, in three days.

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Q: What was the worst battle in Vietnam?
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Tunnel Rat is the worst job in Vietnam.

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Not the worst, but one of the worst.

What was the worst war on record?

For the US; Vietnam.

Where was the worst fighting in Vietnam?

II and I Corps.

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The battle of Adrianople was one of Romans worst defeats.

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the battle of antietam

Who did the Vietnamese fight in the Vietnam War?

Overall it was a battle between South Vietnam and North Vietnam.

What was the worst defeat in us history?

The Vietnam war, for sure

Why was the Vietnam war none of your business?

Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the "Cold War". The Korea was the first "hot" battle of the "Cold War."

What battle was the worst defeat for the union?

The Battle of Fredericksburg was the worst defeat for the Union Army. It was General Ambrose Burnside's fault.

Was Vietnam influenced by the Cold War?

Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the cold war.

What battle was considered the turning point of the Vietnam War?

Battle for saigon