Well, Adolf Hitler was a real charmer, let me tell you. His "achievements" include being responsible for the deaths of millions of people during the Holocaust and leading Germany into a devastating world war. So, if you consider genocide and global destruction achievements, then I guess he was quite the overachiever.
Adolf Hitler's life achievements are predominantly negative and include orchestrating the Holocaust, a genocide resulting in the deaths of six million Jews, as well as millions of others deemed undesirable by the Nazi regime. He also led Germany into World War II, resulting in widespread destruction and loss of life. While he did have some initial successes in rebuilding Germany's economy and military, his overall impact on history is overwhelmingly negative.
He becomes Chancellor of Germany
He managed to become Furher
He survived WW1
He survived assassination attempts (most notably the July bomb plot)
He was in power for 12 years
Hitler was a dictator, and was responsible WWII.
he did get man of the year before he killed all the jews
Overcame chaos, restored order, raised production in Germany's economy, and employed 7 million people, rearmed his military ( questionable if it's an accomplishment though due to the circumstances afterwards)
Reforming the German economy in the 1930's
Hitler achieved nationalism. Hitler achieved implementing an effective Propaganda machine. Hitler achieved incalculable death and destruction. Hitler achieved an evil so horrifying he stands today as a metaphor for evil incarnate. The sad story to all this remarkable accomplishment is that while Hitler serves as an effective metaphorical monster, he has been elevated to such an evil status it becomes difficult for any of us to comprehend how any one of us might do the same if given the opportunity. Hitler was just a man who seized opportunity to twist the world to his own demented vision. Is my vision of a unified world or your vision of a unified world any better? If we require leaders to unite us, we are in grave danger of repeating history. Better we use WA to unite, and let the leaders follow.
Hitler is one of those uniquely evil characters in history to whom we don't like to associate anything good. And nothing that Hitler did that was "good" can remotely negate the horrors of the Nazi death camps. Further, some of the good that Hitler accomplished was the result of the evil that he did.
For instance, Hitler gave Germany political peace. Then, again, he, as head of the Nazi Party and Brown Shirts, was one of the primary reasons Germany did not have political peace in the years before he became German Premier. The specialty of the Brown Shirts was violently breaking up leftist political rallies, which created a climate of political chaos that helped Hitler come to power. Once Hitler came to power and the Brown Shirts proved difficult for him to control, he had their leaders arrested and killed. Hitler then ensured the political peace by imprisoning Communists, socialists and other political opponents in "work" camps.
Hitler brought Germany out of the Great Depression. And, Germany, burdened under reparation payments and the loss of the Rhineland, both conditions of the Treaty of Versailles that ended WW1, suffered greatly during the Great Depression. Germans were often reduced to eating grass to ward off starvation. The German unemployment rate was 30 percent when Hitler came to power.
Hitler restored the Germany economy and brought the nation to full employment. Again, the question is how? Some things Hitler did were done by other countries. He practiced Keynesian economic theory, which is basically deficit spending to fund large public works projects and infuse capital into the economy. Thus, the Nazis continued work on the autobahns and other major building projects.
But, Hitler also instituted some draconian measures. Labor unions were formed and workers lost their right to strike -- labor organizers and strikers were sent to concentration camps. Also, workers were not able to free quit one job and seek a new job as they had to secure the permission of their previous employer before getting a new job.
Hitler also achieved his economic miracle by rebuilding the German military. He reoccupied the Rhine and increased the 100,000 man German Army in 1932 to over 2 million men by 1939. Prohibited by the Treaty of Versailles from having tanks, aircraft or heavy naval ships, Hitler immediately increased production of military equipment. By the time he invaded Poland Sept. 1, 1939, Hitler had 4,000 combat aircraft and 4,000 tanks. He also rebuilt his navy with battleships such as the Tirpitz and Bismarck, light cruisers and submarines -- all of which were forbidden under the Treaty of Versailles. In addition to the employment provided by arms production, Hitler took men out of the potential workforce by putting them in the Army.
Hitler also created opportunities for Germans by removing Jews from their jobs. The violence against Jews meant their stores and businesses were put out of business. Their jobs in factories and schools were vacated. As noted before, a lot of Hitler's "good" is fused with his true evil nature.
Hitler increased the size of the autobahn. But, the reasons were not particularly altruistic. The autobahn, like the later United States interstate system, is primarily designed for military use. The autobahns allow armies to transverse the nation quickly.
So, we are left with the Volkswagen, or People's Wagon. Designed by Hitler as the German equivalent to the Model T, it was meant to allow everyday Germans the chance of car ownership. So when you see a VW Bug chug by on the interstate, which were inspired by the autobahns, you see two of Hitler's major accomplishments still used today.
elimination of people of the Jewish faith.
His full name is Adolf Hitler.
susan boyle
From 1933 to 1945.
Make Germany an purer , free country.
elimination of people of the Jewish faith.
His full name is Adolf Hitler.
She was Austrian.
susan boyle
From 1933 to 1945.
Mein kampf
His full name and Christian name is Adolf Hitler.
Alois Hitler.
Her name was Klara Hitler.