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The first battle in the Pacific where the US took the offensive was the invasion of Guadalcanal in August 1942. The Americans and Japanese fought over the island for about 4 months with the final Japanese troop pullout happening in early February 1943.

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17y ago
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11y ago

well, to be honest i cannot tell you all of them. there were many islands that the Marines and army fought on. the most famous of the battles were Okinawa, Guam, Midway, and Iwo Jima. many men died on those grounds RIP for them... they will be remembered. The us forces used a strategy called "island hopping" they would capture one island at a time. this whole war would not have been won without the strength and courage of the men aboard the 2 carriers USS ENTERPRISE "not the Star Trek enterprise"]USS HORNET, AND USS YORKTOWN. although only enterprise plus a few other carriers made it through the war hornet, midway, and Yorktown did not. they still played a big part.

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13y ago

you can say the attack on pearl harbour it was a battle to some American planes got up in the air and started fighting back but the battle of Guadcanal (operation watchtower) was the first American victory during ww2

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16y ago

Pearl Harbor was the first battle for the US in WW2. US aircraft took to the skies and fought aerial combat (Dog-Fights); US Sailors, Marines, Soldiers fired anti-aircraft weapons at attacking airplanes. The United States Destroyer, USS Ward sunk a Japanese Mini-Sub with it's 5" guns, during a surface engagement.

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10y ago

The first Allied offensive in the Pacific in World War II was the Guadalcanal Campaign in 1942. It was the first of many victories as the Allies steadily carved their way to Japan.

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15y ago

Midway,Guadal Cannal, Leyete Gulf, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Sipan

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12y ago

Battle of Coral Sea, Battle of Midway, Battle of Okinawa, and IWO JIMA

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11y ago

Guadal Canal

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