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It was an airstrike against Saddam Husseins air defence command and control by the US Army using Apache helicopters who were lead to the target by US Airforce Special Operations helicopters. This knocked out the Iraqi air defence radar opening the way for a massive aerial bombardment.

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11y ago

*Jan 16, 1991 The air war started Jan 17 at 2:38 a.m. (local time) or January 16 at 6:38PM EST due to an 8 hour time difference, with an Apache helicopter attack. *US warplanes attack Baghdad, Kuwait and other military targets in Iraq. *Jan 17, 1991 Iraq launches first SCUD Missle attack. *Jan 30, 1991 US forces in the Gulf exceed 500,000. *Feb 6, 1991 Jordan King Hussein lashes out against American bombardments and supports Iraq. *Feb 13, 1991 US Bombers destroy a bunker complex in Baghdad with several hundred citizens inside. Nearly 300 die. *Feb 17, 1991 Tariq Aziz travels to Moscow to discuss possible negotiated end to the war. *Feb 22, 1991 President Bush issues an ultimatum of Feb 23 for Iraqi troops to withdraw from Kuwait. *Feb 23, 1991 Ground war begins with Marines, Army and Arab forces moving into Iraq and Kuwait. *Feb 25, 1991 Iraqi SCUD missle hits a US barracks in Saudi Arabia killing 27. *Feb 26, 1991 Kuwaiti resistence leaders declare they are in control of Kuwait City. *Feb 27, 1991 President Bush orders a cease fire effective at midnight Kuwaiti time. *Mar 3, 1991 Iraqi leaders formally accept cease fire terms *Mar 4, 1991 Ten Allied POWs freed *Mar 5, 1991 35 POWs released *Mar 8, 1991 First US combat forces return home. *April 10, 1991 UN declares official end to the Gulf War *May 10, 1995 Operation Desert Storm officially ended.

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12y ago

i really don't know i'm just on cus i'm bored :p

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13y ago

Kyle Mishu invaded Kuwait.

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Q: What were the causes of operation desert storm?
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When did Operation Desert Storm take place?

Desert Storm commenced in January 1991 and ended the next month, in Febuary 1991.

What did Operation Desert Shield become on January 16 1991?

It became Operation Desert Storm.

Who was in the operation desert storm?

USA and Iraq

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Operation Desert Storm Jan 15-Feb 26, 1991. Operation Iraqi Freedom started in 2003.

Did desert storm start in 2000 or 2001?

Neither. Operation Desert Storm stared in January 1991.

Why did the US participate in operation desert storm?

Desert Storm-Eject Iraq from the nation of Kuwait Iraqi Freedom-Remove Saddam from power

Which was not an attack on American interests by Al-Qaeda?

Operation Desert Storm,the Persian Gulf War, was not an attack on American interests by Al-Qaeda.

Where did Desert Storm take place?

Operation Desert Storm's setting was on the Persian Gulf (which is in Iraq)PRAY FOR OUR SOLIDERS:]!!!

How did Desert Storm End?

Operation Desert Storm ended with a Coalition success in removing Iraqi forces from Kuwait.

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What country was Operation Desert Storm against?

it was Iraq