Many people wonder 'What if...' when reflecting upon major historical events. Fortunately, there are a lot of excellent fiction writers who ponder the same things we do. In fact, there is a whole genre of fiction dedicated to just such speculation called 'Alternate History' or 'Alternative History.' Here is a list of just a few Alternate History books that deal with the topic of WW2:
In the Presence of Mine Enemies by Harry Turtledove
Fatherland by Robert Harris
Third Reich Victorious: The Alternate History of How the Germans Won the War by Peter G. Tsouras
Disaster at D-Day: The Germans Defeat the Allies, June 1944 by Peter G. Tsouras
The Hitler Options: Alternate Decisions of World War II by Kenneth MacKsey
The Moscow Option: An Alternative Second World War by David Downing
Invasion: The Alternate History of the German Invasion of England, July 1940 by Kenneth MacKsey
Rising Sun Victorious: The Alternate History of How the Japanese Won the Pacific War by Peter G. Tsouras
A Damned Fine War by William Yenne, Bill Yenne
If Britain Had Fallen by Norman Longmate
They might have won if they didn't stop bombing the British airfields in 1940. The Japanese could never have won, because they were not aware of the mass industrial capabilities of the United States. So it's likely that Germany could have won if Hitler listened to his generals, and equipped his troops on the eastern front with winter clothings.
Providing German troops with winter clothing would have been helpful to the comfort of the Germans that is true, but I very much doubt it would have had much difference on the outcome of war on the Eastern front.
Military Strategy errors, and an opposing force with superior tanks in number and effectiveness, as well as seemingly unending man and woman power that had a fierce fighting ability that the Germans underestimated as well as the sheer size of the Soviet Union to try and conquer were major factors as well as the weather.
For a near realistic view of what would have happened if Germany had won or at least forced a ceasefire without their own surrender, read Robert Harris's 'Fatherland'
It is a fictionally written situation novel, but excellently written, for it so very nearly could have been.
If Germany had won in Soviet Union in '41 (when the Germans had reached Moscow's gates), and Britain in '40, It could be that America and Nazi Germany may have been in a face off in a Cold War, much like the real one between the USA and USSR.
If Nazi Germany had not declared war on America when Japan carried out the attacks on Pearl Harbor, there may have been no open hostilities between Nazi Germany and USA, and possibly, Japan, enraged by deceit by its ally may have declared war on Nazi Germany also.
The Nazi conquered Soviet Union would have had plentiful supply of oil for Nazi Germany's war machine, Japan would find two large enemies a handful.
Or maybe if Japan did not decalre war on Nazi Germany, small wars would have taken place globally, between American backed and Nazi Germany backed factions in countries around the world whilst America fought Japan. (Again as did happen in the real Cold war between USA and USSR.)
It probably would depend on whether they wished to engage in such tactics, or just sit out the cold war, waiting and waiting for one side either to crumble, or offer hand of friendship and reconciliation and easing of stance, parralel to Gorbachev's ( then leader of Soviet Union)actions in the 80's, and Hitler's view of where America stood in his ideology, somewhere to be conquered, to be wary of, or a big country to make friends with.
Of course in a cold war, hot war could break out any moment, and victory in the large USSR would have even more inflated the Nazi view of undefeatable superiority but Nazi Germany would have had to assemble a huge naval and aerial fleet to even attempt an invasion of America, the build up would have takan a while to do this, but the later the cold war dragged on from early fourties onwards, the more chance both sides would have nuclear weapons and assurance of mutual destruction.
USA having Atomic and nuclear ability in '45, could possibly mean that Nazi Germany would also scramble to find WMD ability if they did not have the ability already (There was a factory in occupied Norway where they were looking at the means of making a H--bomb, only an allied sabotage raid stopped it, may not have been carried out with occupation and defeat of Britain which was a nerve centre of commando raids)
Hitler may have softened with age (You never know!) but if not, his succesors or overthrowers would have been key.
Nazism in Germany may well have imploded the longer it existed with the advent of new youth and dissillusionment.
All in all, just one scenario in a scenario in a scenario.... that may have been.
We will never know, all we can do to look at such matters and look at such a situation and assess any form of possible realism in discussion is speculate on such a matter by looking at history since WW2, and try to look at the political, social and geographical consequences of any alternate history.
please excuse my spelling, im from Germany.
if Germany would not have supported japan after pearl harbor and declared war on the united states, the American people would have never brought up the motivation to mobilize such a vast production of arms and masses of volunteer military personal.
Surely, the war between japan and America would have ended in victory for America simply judging by the availability of raw oil which was the trigger for pearl harbor. But the main motivation for the people of America was the propaganda machinery of the USA government against nazi Germany (which today appears rather harmless to what horror realy went on within nazi teretories) and its allies. America would not have landet on the french coast and engaded in the war of Europe but would "temporaly" have all hands full with the war on japan. u must keep in mind; the American nuclear ability that endet the war agains japan was based on the work of nazi sientists imigrating or simply being kidnaped or arested after the fall of the 3rd Reich.
so the war would probably not have ended in 45 but much later.
so where are we?
America busy with japan,.. no allied offensive in west Europe,.. Stalingrad taken by the Nazis now on their way towards moscow (thanks to the Reich´s ability to conzentrate large amounts of units in the east,.. No sherman tanks for british troops in north Africa,.. Germany being the first world power with nuclear weapons, jet planes(volksjaeger) and medium to long range missiles (V2)............................................. It would have ben a dark....dark future
If Germany had won WW2, several things must have happened before hand. For example, Hitler actually letting the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, Kreigsmarine and the Waffen SS run the war and not himself. All of the officers in those departments were more worried about how much power they had instead of getting the job done which needed to be done. The plan was flawed in some respects. Germany should have invaded Britain when they had the chance. Either that or wait until 1945 to start the war when they would have more resources to spare but then again, the allied forces would have done the same. When Germany invaded Russia, USSR, they were driving to Moscow and then split to Leningrad, Stalingrad and Moscow. What they could have done was take Moscow and spend the winter there. In the mean time, the built up forces along the supply routes to take Leningrad and Stalingrad while bring up supplies to enable the troops to survive the winter. North Africa could have been the decisvie campaign if Erwin Rommel would have gotten what he needed in a timely manner and if the Italian military so incompetent. If Germany had done so, the war would have been won, and there might be a chance that Americans and the Germans sign a peace accord. but who knows what would have happened? all we can really say is what Germany did wrong in the war and that we all might be speaking German this instant or the gestapo knocking on our doors to torture us before interrogations.
Just not happening. Even if the US hadn't been involved at all, no lend-lease, nothing. Germany probably would have lost. The first Lend lease shipments didn't reach Russia until 1942. Taking moscow wouldn't have made a huge difference. The Soviets had already moved their production facilities behind the Ural mountains. That means that they weren't planning on giving up until the war got to at least that point. Germany's Supply lines were horribly over-extended. Of course it didn't help that Hitler was a psychopath and a bigot. If he had been a rational militarist he would have treated the Russian people decently and been welcomed as a saivior, especially in the Ukraine. Moscow was as far as the Germans could push, and after that the superior population and resources of the Soviet Union would crush them.
What if he had though, through some miracle? perhaps by taking Britain, and/or the Suez and the oilfields of Iraq by fully supporting the pro-axis revolution there in 1941 (going through Vichy controlled Syria)? then slowly building until the point that the Soviet Union could be crushed and all of Eurasia,Affrica, and Oceanea could be brought under Axis control... A dark future indeed. On the other hand, peace could have been the Nazi party's worst enemy, reducing the drive toward national alignment and allowing the anti-nazi forces within the government to plan a revolution.
The simple fact is that if the Generals who were involved in the bomb plot against him had known as much about explosives as the average modern American 12 year old (for example knowing that an unfuses block of explosives in the same bag as a fused block of explosives will be detonated by the fused block when it explodes) Hitler wouldn't have survived it.
All the Germans would have needed to beat England was complete control over the skys. If the Luftwaffe had been able to wipe out the RAF then a similar landing to D-Day in the form of Operation Sealion would have been a success. A possible invasion strategy would have been to drop in parachute divisions, similar to that of normany, and to secure an airfield close to shore. Fly in several divisions to attack the coast at the same time as the landings would be taking place.
The only problem is that Germany never thought such landings would be possible without securing a major port, which would still be incredibly difficult even with air superiority. If they could land on a stretch of beach close to an airfeild, with the use of similar Higgins boats, used at D-Day it could have been done. With Britain under attack Churchill would have pressed the Americans however, who may have responded, unless already occupied with the war in the pacific. So the Kreigsmarine would have been busy making certain to blockade Britain from Canadian and American supplies and/or reinforcments.
With Britain occupied and taken care of the Nazi's could then head east. Being sure to start Barbarossa early enough in the year, to take moscow by the fall. Also securing better supply lines, and maintaining air superiority over the soviets would ensure quick victory. Hitler allowing his generals to work would have been helpful as well, and maybe allowing tactical retreats here and there would have been smart as well. As already said, heading into Russia as liberators and not torturing the civilians would have helped get many more deserters from the Red Army, as well as have civilians disobey Stalin's scortched earth policies, allowing the German army food and shelter. As far as North Africa was concerned Hitler should have driven to take Iraqi oilfields without as much resistance from British troops, as they were already defeated.
Had Hitler actually been able to secure Nuclear weapons, the Nazis would surly have used them. America would not have made peace, since Canada was still at war with Germany, and the Germans invading Canada would for sure have brought the Americans in.
In the end it is impossible to say if the Nazis ever could have won, whether they were overthrown in government, or defeated by the Americans. But had they taken England the war may well have turned for the worse, and dragged on for many more years, with unimaginable lasting reprucussions.
Hitler was a brillant leader and oritor but lacked ability in war planning. Every day Germans saw the third Reich much as we see America today: justified in the undertaking of war to protect our homeland through any means necessary. Thus, I feel a victorious thied Reich would prosper after winning ww2. That said, German victory would have led to a much more stable world order in that many middle eastern states would be nazi colonies and a similar cold war senerio would have developed betheen the us and Germany as did with the ussr. Although with the defeat of russia Germany's econimic and industrial power would be great, Hitler's successors would be more easly seen as ineffectave and much less capable of running the state as the information age comes about (successors chosen by power,corruption, and non democratic means). As Hitler's influence fades, so does his Reich!
The only way Germany wins the war is if it ends in 1940 after the Battle of France. AT BEST, Germany gets pre WWI borders, plus Austria, Sudetenland, Schleswig Holstein and Alsace Lorraine. From that point on Germany probably goes the route of Franco's Spain. Once the United States gets the A-Bomb in 1945, its an automatic victory for the Allies. The Manhattan project had very little to do with German scientists taken after the Allied occupation of Germany, but it DID have a lot to do with the emigration of Albert Einstein who left Germany precisely due to Hitlers fanatical anti-Semitism.
Make no mistake about it, Hitler was NOT a good leader, if we judge Hitler by his own Machiavellian standards, he was a miserable failure, after all if the ends truly do justify the means, in the end Germany was in ruins.
The question here is WHAT IF Germany had won the war, not HOW Germany could have won the war. Picturing a victorious Nazi Germany cannot be an easy task. The various forces and power centers within the Nazi system suppressed during the war would have no doubt boiled to the surface. It would only be the person of Hitler who would keep the system together. Hitler was obviously ailing towards the end of the war and it is doubtful that he would have lived much past, say 1950. Massive resettlement of Germans in the east would definitely have occured, at the expense of the local population ofcourse. Poles would be pushed east to make way for the arriving Germans. A victorious Nazi party would tighten its grip, even further, on life in the Reich, but its long term prospects would be vague. There can be no doubt that as time goes by other voices would appear. The United States would for sure not be very friendly to Germany, even more so if Britain had been invaded. Open hostilities between the United States and Germany, while not totally out of the question, is not likely, especially if Germany wins the way, meaning defeating Russia before Pear Harbor. A victorious Third Reich would not last for long, perhaps to the end of the century, but after this disintegration would happen. As to how Germany could have won the war itself, that is a different matter. I am one of those who believe that the invasion of Britain, operation Sealion, was not feasible and doomed to failure if undetaken. Germany's path to victory against Britain would be by taking an indirect route, by depriving Britain of its empire and bringing it to its knees economically, following Admiral Raeder's Mediterrerean strategy. Immediately following the fall of France, as air battles rage over the British skies, Hitler should push Mussolini into cooperating for an attack on Malta, which at the time was lightly defended. At the same time begin putting pressure on Franco to reach some agreement on an attack on Gibraltar, which is an alot more difficult nut to crack, but would still fall if faced with a determined German onslaught. An attack on Malta in, let's say, July 1940, would see the island fall in a week or so, maybe a little more. An attack on Gibraltar would take long to prepare for and longer to execute. An attack on late summer 1940, around September, could see the rock fall in a month or so. So there we have it, by October 1940 the Mediterranean has become an axis lake. Germany can now, with little diversions, build up its forces in Libya and attack Egypt, if it has not already done so. With the Mediterranean sealed to them, Britain might decide to evacuate it and not put up much of a fight for Egypt. The Suez canal would probably fall to the Germans and Italians before the end of the year. After a little regrouping the Germans can then move on into Palestine and the rich oilfields of Iraq. The Germans would also now more easily take Greece and hop over and take control of Cyprus. Turkey would now most likely read the writing on the wall and join the axis. Britain would have to give up at this point, Churchil would be kicked out, if he had not resigned by now. Germany would seem unstoppable. With plenty of oil at hand, total control over Europe, the Mediterranean basin and the Middle East, probably Iran as well (the Shah was pro-German), Britain would be unable to maintain its empire. India would be directly threatened from both Germany and Japan, which at this point would be eyeing the pacific with very greedy eyes. When Germany does invade the USSR, it will not only be a full frontal assault as it was historically, but the Germans would also push through the Caucasus and quickly grab the vital oil fields there. With such a pincer movement, Russia would crumble quickly. Japan might even take a direct interest in the Russian far east in this case.
If Germany had won world war 2 i doubt Hitler would stop at conquering Europe. Being the man hes known to be he would attempt takin over pretty much the world. His power would grow with every country he took over. he wouldn't stop until the aryan race ruled the world.
Finally! an intelligent to 'what if Germany had won ww2?' But! I don't believe that the superpower 3rd Reich would have ended up in a stalemate with the US. Japan was Hitler's ally. Without nazi scientists to make nukes and the third Reich helping Japan's effort - they would have annialated any opposition from the US. An invasion would have happened and the US would have come under axis control. The Nazi's weren't into stalemates, they were aggressors looking for your weakness. With that, the war would be over.
Some people say, that if the axis had won, that it would have probably collapsed by the end of the century is difficult to say. The Nazi's weren't like us. If you rebelled, your whole family was slaughtered, your best friends, your colleagues, your dog! would be dead. Sure there would be resistance groups, but I don't think such a machine would loosen it's grip for a long, long time. Perhaps a thousand years. When Hitler died, chances are, he would chosen a successor, so no power struggle could ensue, thus keeping the empire together. It would have been rome with nukes! and rome lasted a long time, because no other force in the world had the ability to bring it down.
Eventually, like rome, the 3rd Reich would have collapsed in on itself. but not till after 1000 years.
It really was a fight between GOOD & EVIL. Thank God We Won!
The Nazi doctrine was another form of society, like democracy and communism, but much more radical.
The goals of the state held importance, not those of the individual. Militarism was coveted, discipline to one leader, and the most radical departure, belief in racial struggle, where the so called Aryans, or those of Germanic blood are considered the pedigreed among the races of the human species.
The problem with this philosophy is it doesn't bode well for non-Germans, who make up the majority population on the planet. So Nazi Germany was programmed to fail from the start. The odds that 80-90 million Germans could impose their will on all the other peoples of the earth were very long indeed.
The Possibility of Germany winning ww2 was a very remote chance 1. Germany's Panzer Divisions would have drained many 100,000s of gallons of Gas/oil which meant that they could have drained a whole supply in 1 push towards a objective. Which means they wasted more resources to secure the objective.
2 The allies had superior numbers compared to the axis mainly because the Chinese ( Even though the Chinese didnt do much during ww2 but defend their territories during ww2,eventually they could have signed a decleration of war on Germany if the war dragged on in the 1950's)The Russians ,and the Us. The total of soldiers would have been in the 100 millions if the war dragged on.. 3. Germany vs America's Economic and Production power wasnt even in the same level of economic and Production Power... 4. Germany was loosing more soldierrs then they can replace. (They were using 14 year old boys to reinforce some of their lines)
I think the Third Reich would have fallen within about thirty years, even if it had signed a peace treaty with America.
1)The Nazi regime was a based on the personality cult of a psychotic. Leadership contests after Hitler had been put in a mental assylum could well have destroyed the regime.
2)The economic policies of the Nazis were largely based on huge national projects which are exhaustive (such as road building), and warfare. It is hard to invisage a successful Nazi ideology working in peacetime.
3)It is also hard to see how Nazism could translate to foreign countries during peace-time. It was based on German history (in opposition to French/British history) and the ideal of the Aryan German race. It would have been hard to avoid resistance building up in occupied countries that weren't at war. It wasn't like setting up a colony, where at first you had the advantage of guns and communications to suppress the natives. French and British governments would have to fashion their own ideology to keep the people suppressed, which would in time become so different that the Reich would split apart.
4)Nazism encouraged IMBECILES. children growing up through Nazi youth were taught to be utterly stupid. it is hard to imagine a successful generation of leaders being created by it.
Even if Germany had won, the Axis Empire wouldn't have lasted long. Hitler was too arrogant of a leader and the empire would have been too large to maintain.
To give the Germans any chance at winning the Second World War, we must go even further to 1914. If Germany won those crucial victories in August 1914 and humbled the Triple Entente we could well have seen a world power in 1939. Also, with the diminishment of the Kaiser's influence and the growth of in popularity of small radical parties such as the Nazis. With Hitler still at the helm with a proper navy, an army that had never faced defeat nor the chaos of 1919 he could have well have won the war - for a while at least. With this massive army the obsolete Royal Navy would have been destroyed. With better leadership in the Luftwaffe, and a larger, professional army Britain would have collapsed in 1940. Yet it would still take 1 million men to occupy the isles. Even with the British Empire in collapse and the Nazis' Panzers rolling into the Middle East, the immensely strong capitalist Russia (remember Germany won in 1914 so the revolution of 1917 never happened) , once under attack, with expert leadership (no Stalin so no massacres) with an army rivalling that of Germany's could easily have pushed the Germans to the Oder. The Third Reich, a chaotic empire with too long supply lines still faced a war on two fronts - a guerrilla war in Britain and the Russians in 1943 The Japanese, in all this chaos, invaded the German islands in the west Pacific (no Versailles remember?) and would have helped the previous British colonies get back on their feet by giving them membership in their Sphere of Asian influence. As the Russians charged into Nazi Belorussia, the Germans, holding Einstein captive, developed and dropped two nuclear bombs on Russia. This however had little impact on the Russian advance. In the middle of all this, the United States eventually (inevitably) declared war on the Nazis for sinking their shipping (and being an annoyance)and along with Scots, Irish and Brits landed in Ireland and Scotland in 1945 and with 7 months had reclaimed Britain. In 1947 D-Day was triumphant and as both Russians and Americans sped towards Berlin, Hitler kills himself. World War 2 ends, 8 years after in began. As the capitalist Russians and Americans shook hands over the corpse of Germany, war clouds gathered over Japan and so on...
I want to start ing this fascinating question by saying giving some of my credentials: I am 24 and working toward a PhD in Political Science with an emphasis on American Politics. This is clearly a comparative government and International Relations question and I hope that my History is up to date. First, Hitler would not have stopped until all of Russia west of the Urals, North Africa, and probably the middle east for oil reserves. Native ethinic groups of these areas most likely would have been enslaved and a new era of imperialism would have began. Germany would become the new Hegemon, bust most likely the age of intense Nazism would end with his death. Germany has a tradition of democracy and most of the leaders in order of sucession Hitler had hand picked (Donitz, etc) were not hardcore Nazis in the literal sense. They were of aristocratic blood, intellectuals, internationalist, and others who had suppressed their beliefs for their own selfish career oriented causes. The empire that was to last 1000 years would only probably have lasted as long as the Soviet Union proved to last, maybe even to a lesser extent. Germans had already experienced democracy and leaders upon Hitler's death would have probably slowly began an enlightened transformation back to such. A new cold war most likely would have developed as well. Those areas left unconquered by Germany would have remained either colonies of the former European nations such as Britain and France. France would most likely would have established a puppet regime but would have been left on its own to govern. Hitler didnt think lesser of the English, French, Spanish, or any other western country. Nazi sympathizers would have risen to power briefly in countries like Argentina, Brazil, and South Africa and thus new wars would have been encouraged in their respective local areas. thus, we could probably imagine Latin America ruled by Chile, Argentina, and/or Brazil, sub Sahara Africa ruled by the Afrikanas, and India still controlled by a more nazi sympathetic Britain. The only likely independent state unmoved by serious forms of nazism would be the the United States, due mostly to its ability to easily isolate itself from international conflict. But it wouldn't end there. social mobilization is inevitable in the third world and many disenfranchised groups would likely lead resistance movements against their fascist oppressors. These groups would likely see the former allied leaders as heros and martyrs, thus embrace ideologies vastly contradicting to Fascism. An alternate form of cold war may occur between the United States, which in no way could have ever possibly be beaten on its own soil by the Japanese or the Germans, and the fascist Europe. It would thus have been the US that supported and armed guerrillas in Latin America or in Africa against the Nazi leaning ideologists. Despite this, Germany would only have lasted as long as Hitler then most likely turned to Democratic forms gradually as not to obstruct the nazi leaning organizations. Germany would definitely however be the strongest nation in the world, even likely with oil reserves the most powerful nation on earth for a very long time unchallenged in superiority. It would have possessed the Atomic Bomb, missle technology, and a capitalist economy that would together dominate the world and surpas the United States in might. This proves most likely true, since missle technology was adopted by the US's welcoming of rocket scientists like Werner VonBraun. Jews most likely would cease to exist, or if they remained, in small numbers scattered throughout Siberia and the United States. The final solution would have been a total reality with no survivors. the plan may also have extended out to include more prominantly other ethnic and religious groups that werent western European or christain. Slovaks, Gypsies, and Poles, ofcourse would likely have been the initial targets included alongside Jews, followed maybe by Muslims, sub saharan africans, and maybe even possibly east Asian ethinic groups. Noone can predict the limits of Hitler's madness in this field. He simply hated so many groups that werent "Aryan" that anyone could have been a candidate. this is a fascinating question that only history could have ed. we can only all thank god that the simple s to complex problems posed by Hitler didnt dominate after the war. We can for now say that we have preserved the principles of the enlightenment; the idea that each of us is equal before the law and that we are born with inalienable rights to life, liberty, and property that would prove dificult for any fair government to take away.
I believe that Hitler made many mistakes in his rulership as Dictator of Germany. One for example was letting the English and French troops escape at Calais across the English channel into the UK to come back and fight another day. Another one of Hitlers mistakes was the Invasion of the USSR. Just because Stalin was a communist, the notion of Hitler invading him was the biggest mistake ever. History tends to repeat itself even when the lesson is learned. Hitler created two fronts the day he invaded the USSR and thus had to divide his army to fight. Because of his strong alliance with Italy he had no fear for the time of getting invaded from the rear. But his West side exposed to the UK and of course the D-Day target the beaches of Normandy a place to just called for an invasion. Also the late introduction of the V1 and V2 rocket missles althoguh not very likely a turning point could have given the sneak dictator a few months to hold off the US and British attacks and try something. One of the biggest misteries is what Hitler was creating in those huge laboratories dug deep into mountains. Were all of them found were all even documented. You can look back and see Lionardo DiVinchi's drawings that were way ahead of his time, maybe a select handful of scientists were developing WMD's that surpass our greatest beliefs. I believe they created weapons and technlogies that either Stalin found and disclosed or Hitler hid so well that we still havent found them. I mean Stalin knew about the Manhattan Project with his inside spies in our State department and Pentagon resources whats to make us believe he found technology ,hid it ,and is passing it down until the time was ready.Could Hitler have been developing Cold fusion to power his war machines and is that why the Russian colleges and institues of science are soo astounded by it? Whatever the reason Hitler failed WWII because of novice mistakes and had he been more dependent and listened to his Generals and staff maybe we would all be speaking German or in some peoples case dead. And if we had decided to conquer the Pacific THeater rather than the European first what then would have happened. Could we have used the bomb on Berlin and other main German cities instead ofHiroshima and Nagasaki. Would that have scared the great USSR into backing down sooner during the Cold war or making the Mother country even more hungry for nuclear power.
Hitler didnt 'let the British off' at Dunkirk. He stopped the Panzers because Goering assured him that the Luftwaffe could destroy the British without the Panzers help. At many points the Germans made errors. But so did the allies. If The French and Brits had attacked Germany in 1939, in the months after the invasion of Poland when the vast majority of the Wermacht were in the East the war would have been over. If the Brits and French had grouped their tanks together after the Panzer fashion instead of using them as infantry support, the Germans could have been thrown back, especially as the Germans found the Brit Matilda tanks impossible to knock out (though they would quickly become obsolete). And talking of the vetoed German jet engine, Wittle, the British RAF officer, had a viable Jet engine design in the late 1920's. If the RAF had put this into production then the Luftwaffe would have been shot out of the skies. Germany was winning in the early stages of the Battle of Britain because the RAF, outbnumbered 4 to 1 coudnt afford to lose the planes that the Germans could. This still doesnt take away from the fact that even massively outnumbered the British pilots were shooting down more planes than the Nazi airmen. Furthermore, the Nazis would have gained the A bomb years before the Manhattan Project if the Brits and Norwegians hadnt sabotaged their earlier attempts. That said the Manhatten project had little to do with Nazi scientists though its debatablt the moonlanding could have took place without them.
At least two of the previous posts have made this false comment that the US atomic bomb was built with the help of "Nazi scientists". Not true. You are getting the Manhatten Project confused with the post-WWII rocket programs of the US and USSR, the race to develop ever bigger intercontinental ballistic missiles, the Space Race. The post-WWII rocket programs did indeed utilize a great many "Nazi scientist" - Germans who had worked for the Reich to build the V2 and V1 programs.
The Manhatten Project had very few Germans - there were a number of European refugees, scientists like Teller and Fermi and Szilard, but a great deal of the work was done by American scientists and engineers. Hitler's racism drove the best and the brightest of European scientists to work for his enemies.
It is hard to imagine the U.S. NOT getting involved in a war with Nazi Germany, whether Pearl Harbor occurred or not, whether Germany declared war on the U.S. or not.
Roosevelt was increasingly getting the U.S. involved in supporting the British, through Lend-Lease, sending in military "observers", etc. For example, it is now known (although a secret for a long time) that when the British sank the Bismark, there was a U.S. Navy pilot helping the British to fly the American-built Lend Lease PBY seaplane that through pure luck spotted the damaged Bismark (after the British fleet had managed to lose track of it), and there was another U.S. Navy officer aboard one of the British battleships that engaged the Bismark in the final gun battle. Sooner or later, like Vietnam, these American military advisors would have gotten involved in some direct conflict against the Germans, and this would have been enough of an excuse for either the Germans or the U.S. to declare war.
The ONLY scenario that I can think of where Germany won WW2 would have been if Germany had successfully built an atomic bomb before the Soviets did, and/or if the Germans had also built a fleet of strategic bombers, similar to the US B-29. Then, the Germans could have firebombed or atomic bombed all of the Soviet cities and heavy industry, similar to what the U.S. did later with Japan, and just wiped out the Soviets. With this capability, Germany also could have bombed Great Britain, and prevented the U.S. and British from building up the supplies and the forces for an invasion of Europe. This would also have prevented the U.S. and British from establishing the bombing campaign that crippled Germany's synthetic fuel plants, which was the final blow that wiped out Germany's ability to wage a modern, mechanized war.
In such a scenariao, Germany would not be able to defeat the U.S. completely, just hold it at bay. And, so, as mentioned in some of the previous posts, in this scenario, Germany would replace the USSR in a post-WWII world as the dictatorship ruling Europe, and there would a similar nuclear standoff and Cold War with the U.S.
In this same scenario, Nazi Germany would of course be able to complete the Final Solution and eliminate all traces of this genocide (I think many of the fictional accounts have this same idea). There would be no State of Israel, as there would be no surviving Jewish refugees. In fact, German troops would be in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, controlling the oil fields there. In their vaction time, the Nazi troops would take over British Palestine and do their best to eliminate the last vestiges of Jewish culture there as well.
I agree with those who think that this Nazi Empire would not last beyond Hitler's lifetime. There would be too many former underlings fighting for power after Hitler's death.
The outcome of this question is highly dependent on whenGermany is assumed to have won. Historically speaking, the highest likelihood for a German victory would have been relatively early. For the purposes of this speculation, let's make several assumptions:
The outcome here is that Germany most likely would have defeated the Soviet Union, since they would have been able to add about 25-30% more divisions to the invasion, and the Soviets would not have had US backing for war material.
The terms of a negotiated peace with Britain would likely have resulted in a significant reduction of the British Empire. So, by about 1944, Germany would now have controlled these countries:
In addition, Germany would likely have gained possession of Gibraltar, Malta, and possibly Egypt, plus probably what is now Kenya, from the peace agreement with Britain.
The Soviet Union would have lost the western 1/3 of the country, with most of its valuable arable land and industry. Britain would likely have had significant problems continuing holding on to most of the Far East part of the Empire (now that Egypt and the Suez were lost to the Germans).
Given Hitler's personality, it is difficult to see him presiding over any significant period of peace. Indeed, he would probably have found an excuse to start some other conflict after a number of years (say in the early 1950s). What that would have looked like is anyone's guess.
However, in the scenario just outlined, here are some consequences:
As far as casualty counts go, here's what happens:
Germany possibly had the ability to win the war, but Hitler made too many mistakes because he didn't listen to his generals.
First of all, the German Wehrmacht should have captured all the 400,000 British soldiers in the "Kettle of Dunkirk" (80% of the British forces and equipment !) instead of letting them escape across the Channel.
And then immediately invade the U.K. with all the German soldiers, airplanes and ships available.
After the British defeat Germany had all the time and manpower to deal with Russia. But the attack should have started no later then April in order to finish with Moscow before the Russian winter began.
Then, Germany would have signed a non-aggression pact with the U.S., leave Americans and Japanese alone on the battlefield and start to build up the "New Order" that Germany wanted to establish.
So, in that case the Cold War would have taken place between Germany and America whereas Russia and China would only be "minor players".
It is possible that after Hitler's death democratic reforms would have been implemented in Germany and its satellite neighbors France, Italy, Russia and Spain. Similar to the Glasnost and Perestroika reforms that were actually established under Gorbachev.
On the other hand, National Socialism was much more market-, consumer- and technology-oriented then Communism. And when you imagine that the Germans controlled most oriental oil fields and all the former British and French colonies, it is not unlikely that the majority of the Europeans would have arranged with the authoritarian system because the living standard in Nazi Europe would not be lower then in democratic Britain or America.
The people to suffer of course would be all the Jews, Africans, Arabs and handicapped who did not meet the Aryan racial standards.
No one can imagine how far the holocaust and euthanasia programs would have gone.
No one can imagine how many tens of millions of "inferior" human beings would have died in gas chambers or in medical and pharmaceutical experiments,
So, when you consider this, we should all be glad that the German "End Sieg" did not happen.
Obviously things could be worse and he had not only the power but also enough stole money to continue an endless war and enough madness to try to be the owner of the entire planet and then I do`nt know what would happen because he won`t have more countries to conquer
Hitler planned to move on to the US and have a world dictatorship.
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Actually, the world would probably been better off...Hitler would not have had any kind of platform in which to run for any office, and WWII would possibly have been averted. Politically, Germany would have been quite strong, but not any stronger than any other major European power.
You might be looking for more specific answers, but for a general answer, I think the prediction of Winston Churchill during the war was accurate - "...if we fail [to defeat Hitler], then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science." _________ I will share a different opinion on this than the person before, I believe that Hitler and the Nazi government weren't the greatest guys, but I can't pin all the crimes and faults just on the leader, and I cant blame everyone associated with it either. Many were very proud of their nationalistic German state, millions died fighting because they thought it was for a greater good. None of these people knowing that millions were dieing in camps. Jewish and racial hatred just wasn't a view of Hitlers, antisemitism was a view held by a vast majority of Germans. The Germans weren't stupid, they invented many things during the Nazi times. I believe to some extent that if the Nazis were not caught for their Holocaust crimes, Adolf Hitler may have gone down in history as a different maybe more popular man. I believe if they won the world wouldn't had been that bad, Hitler endorsed socialism and socialism isn't that bad it works today in many European countries and places like Canada. I don't believe that socialism in a broad sense is as damaging as capitalism, the money involved and risk in capitalism has caused a massive debt in many countries but combine them all together and you don't even have Americas debt. I don't think life would be that bad. Going into the future Including we would have overcame issues like Israel and Palestine, and Iran and all those radical Muslim's wouldn't be so mad. Much of this Middle East problems wouldn't be happening. The world is so messed up.
I suppose the simple answer is different. Does this mean WW2 doesn't happen ? No Hitler, no Holocaust..... The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk gave Germany a very large amount of Eastern Europe. It was negated by Versailles. Germany would become a super-power. Yes, Europe would be very different. But it does depend, presumably, that Britain & France will come to peace, the US too. But militarily it is not as far fetched a question as it might appear, the German forces felt politically betrayed despite reverses in 1918, undefeated even.
If the Nazis won in WWII the American-British Alliance will fail, with thousands and hundreds of soldiers killed. Adolf Hitler also renew the Operation Seelöwe (Operation Sea Lion) a new plan to conquer Great Britain, With thousands of airplanes and huge numbers of armies marching in Buckingham Palace, spelling the defeat of Britain. Also he had an offensive against the Soviets. After that, Nazi and Hitler succeed, He had completed his main plan, Now in renewed Europe Nazi, every peace force failed,and killed or retreated. Mussolini is stressed to conquer Greece. After that, in Berlin, A huge dome in the Nazi capitol called Nazi-Dome is designed by architect Albert Speer, and monument and an capitol for the Third Reich and his family and generals,Nazi also trashed bad governmental laws from countries,and killed million Jews around the world.When in Japan, An alliance between them attacked Asia, Throwed PRC, and goes to Middle East to conquer Africa, When the Nazi-Japan alliance completed in whole Eurasia and Africa to the Pacific and the East, They did not forget the US and South Americas. Washington was doomed and the South Americans defeated, Eurasien Nazi now became Mega-Nazi. After that, Hitler was 75 and dead. Nazi-World has chosen a new leader, Hitler II,which rules in the late 60s. in 2001, world populations increased to 5 billion, and the people are sad. no Xbox PSP or PC. No Jollibee, No McDo, No pop culture, No Phineas and Ferb, Disney and Nick, all fun is lost. life is bad when Nazi conquered us and the world.
Hitler's plan was to move on to the United States after he was done with Europe and England. So, if this had happened he planned to have a world Dictatorship.
Germany would have won the war.
If the US lost WW1 then everyone in the US would be speaking German and the US would be ruled like Germany is now!
maybe they could of had a better chance of winning the war
Germany fought the us in world war 1
Hitler wanted to control all the world and Russia was part of that. It was also a threat and one of the countries that defeated Germany in World War I.
Germany would have won the war.
World War 2
The most obvious answers would be the reign of Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust.
In 1939 Germany invaded Poland, starting the war.
Great Britian declared war on Germany.
Germany thought that they would win the war
They said that they would declare war on Germany
countries have power and germany to stop fighing
The Allies treated Germany very harshly with the treaty. After World War 1 Germany was in economical crisis. If the Allies would have helped Germany after the war maybe Adolf Hitler would never have a reason to start World War 2
Adolf Hitler served in world war 1 and was mad that Germany lost. other countries made Germany pay their war debts. so he became leader of Germany and started world war 2. he was also trying to take over the world. still Germany lost and Hitler failed to restore the nation to glory.
On September 1st, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and started WWII.
If the US lost WW1 then everyone in the US would be speaking German and the US would be ruled like Germany is now!