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There has been much speculation by history buffs about what would have happened had the South been allowed to secede. First of all, it's unlikely the United States would have become a Super Power if it were merely two, smaller countries. It's debatable when or even if slaves would have been freed. Without freed slaves seeking better opportunities in the North, the composition of northern cities would be much different.

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9y ago
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12y ago

the north and south would be separated and we would not like each other very much.

The Confederate States of America or the Southern colonies would have their own country, and their would still be slaves, i think, idk

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14y ago

If they did not secede, it would mean that they had accepted Lincoln's ban on extending slavery into the new Western territories.

So those territories would have entered the USA as free soil, and the free states would have dominated Congress.

The slave-states would either have had to industrialise, to start manufacturing their own goods. Or suffered from raised tariffs, and watched their economy suffer.

But in any case, as the century approached its end, there would probably have been increasing protest from abroad about trading with a slave-owning nation.

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13y ago

Well, right when Lincoln came into office, there was a bill being debated in congess that would've prevented the entire civil war if it was passed, but Lincoln convinced all the Republicans to vote against it so it didn't pass. The bill was the south would compromise on something the north wanted(maybe no slavery spreading further west?) and the other side would be that slavery would be legal forever and the congress could never repeal it. Since that was shot down, a few months later the civil war started. Now, if that bill passed then we would still have slavery today even if society was against it like we are today because that bill would've made slavery immortal. So, minorities would most likely have FAR less rights, if any at all. I would assume that slavery would probably not be limited to just the blacks and be spread to all races (blacks owning whites....)

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11y ago

Quite likely emancipation would not have occured for at least another generation because no party would likely want to lose the votes of the southern states.

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Q: What would have happened if the south would have seceded in the civil war?
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How might the American civil war have been different if kentuckymaryland and Missouri had seseded?

If Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri had seceded from the Union, the American Civil War would have probably been won by the South. With the addition of these three states, the South may have had the man power to win the war.

What might have happened had civil war not occurred?

Slaves would have still been a big deal. The South would have been one nation.

South Carolina seceded from the union?

There were several factors, the main one being slavery. Abraham Lincoln was recently elected president, and South Carolina (a slave state) believed him to be an abolitionist (someone who wants to eliminate slavery). Their agrarian economy heavily relied on slave labor, so they believed the North would eventually economically dominate the South with Lincoln as president. So they seceded, and the rest of the South followed suit.

What is the cause of southern secession?

When Lincoln became president the south thought he would end slavery. Lincoln was planning to get rid of new slaves and not take away the ones that slave owners already had. The South got mad and seceded from the U.S.A. meaning they broke apart from it. They claimed that they freely joined the country so they can freely leave it. The states that seceded created a new country called The Confederate States of America. The Confederates and the U.S.A. fought in the civil war. and the U.S.A. won. I hope this helps!

What if south won Civil War?

several things could've happened 1)The people who live in Texas would be sworn enemies with Californians and Floridan would hate Maine people and so on.2)Our lives would be different as we know it3) The outcome of all future wars(WWI and WWII) would have many differences.4)there would've probably been a second civil wartry reading harry turtledove's How Few Remain. Its about an alternate history if the south had won the civil war

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then the south would have a greater chance of winning the civil war

What could have happened if things turned out differently during the civil war?

The South could of seceded and formed an independent nation from the North and slavery would sill be used in the South. This would of caused the United States to be weaker and have less of an advantage against other countries and also due to the fact that the North and the South would of constantly been feuding. Also, without the South's cotton, the Northern factories would of suffered and President Lincoln might not of been assassinated after the Civil War.

Why did south carolina seceded first in the civil war?

Because Lincoln had won the Election of 1860, and they knew that he would not allow any more slave-states.

How did South Carolina react to the election of 1860?

When President Lincoln was elected president in 1860, much of the south reacted. Even before Lincoln took office, South Carolina called a convention in the south and delegates voted to secede, thus spurring the Civil War that would follow.

How might the American civil war have been different if kentuckymaryland and Missouri had seseded?

If Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri had seceded from the Union, the American Civil War would have probably been won by the South. With the addition of these three states, the South may have had the man power to win the war.

What would likely have happened if the Confederates won the civil war?

If the confederates won the civil war, slavery would be legal throughout the U.S. But, then the south would have its own country.

What might have happened had civil war not occurred?

Slaves would have still been a big deal. The South would have been one nation.

Why the Southern states seceded prior to the US Civil War?

Because Lincoln had won the 1860 election, on a platform of not allowing any new slave-states. This meant that the South would always be outvoted in Congress, which would tend to pass laws favourable to the North at the expense of the South.

What were the advantages to the Confederacy if the Border States seceded in the US Civil War?

The advantages that the Confederacy would have gained if the Border states had seceded would have changed the US Civil War immensely. Excluding Delaware, the slave Border states of Missouri, Kentucky and Maryland would have added 45% to the white population and military manpower the South. The South's industrial base would have increased by 80%. And, very importantly, Washington DC would have been surrounded by two Confederate states, forcing the abandonment of the Union capitol. Also the use of the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers by the Union would have vanished.

What would the us do if the south seceded again?

The South could not secede again. There are too many laws and enforcements that would make it nearly impossible for the South to secede.

Why the election of president Lincoln was followed by the outbreak of Civil War?

Southerners feared he would abolish slavery and seceded.

Why the southern states seceded after the election of 1860?

They seceded after the election of 1860 because Lincoln didn't want to make anymore slave states. The south liked slavery and therefore, the south would not have any say in government. :)