This is more of really asking for an opinion from us..
Anyways, I'd go tell the highest presence around, such a huge military army, maybe the United States.
World War Two was a major contributor to the Holocaust. Under the shadow of war, many things could be done, many laws could be passed that would not have been allowed during a time of peace.
He was the Chancellor and leader of Germany and the one who masterminded the Holocaust. Hitler cannot be considered a mastermind, it was done in his name, but the overseeing was done by Himmler and the actual planning was done by people like Eichmann and Heydrich.
if an event similar to the Holocaust were to happen, then they would give it it's own name, like they did with the Holocaust.
Considering most of the world were bystanders to the Holocaust, this would excuse the actions of those who perpetrated the Holocaust and those who enabled it. So no, you cannot say that they were.
The Holocaust would not have happened were it not for the war. The war not only promoted the conditions to produce the Holocaust, but it also provided a shroud to cover the actions produced in the Holocaust.
No one really knows for sure, someone told the Nazis about their hiding place. I think :)
absolutely nothing. the holocaust is done and over with, so we don't need to worry about it now
America fought Germany for the end of the Holocaust, you can learn more if you research more about the Holocaust end and WW2.
there would not have been the Holocaust without the Jews.
Nazi Germany.
In the Holocaust most of the gassing was done on an "industrial" basis.
they discovered much about physiology, about twins and about the human condition.
The most memorable happening in Germany is the Holocaust. There are plenty more, but the Holocaust is the most famous.
The Holocaust fits in to mob mentality because all of the Nazis that did horrible things to the Jews probably would not have done that on their own. They felt that it was acceptable because the 'next guy' was doing it too.
World War Two was a major contributor to the Holocaust. Under the shadow of war, many things could be done, many laws could be passed that would not have been allowed during a time of peace.
The killing of the Jews (The Holocaust) by the Nazis.
The dates for the Holocaust are not as clear as the dates for the war. People contuned to die for months after the war because of what was done to them during the war.