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Q: What year was Adolf Hitler man of the year?
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Who was the man of year in 1938?

Adolf Hitler

Was Adolf Hitler ever times man of the year?

he may have had his picture on the cover, but NEVER man of the year!

How do you use Adolf Hitler in a sentence?

Adolf Hitler was an evil man.

Was Adolf Hitler ever featured in Time Magazine?

he was man of the year of time magazine in 1938.

Who won theTime Magazine Man of the Year Award in 1938?

Adolf Hitler

When was Adolf Hitler a Time Magazine Person of the Year?

Adolf Hitler was named Time Magazine's Person of the Year in 1938.

How did the world view Adolf Hitler's leadership?

Before ww II not that bad. In 1938, Adolf Hitler was chosen as Time Magazine’s man of the year

Who was Time magazine's man of the year the year after Adolf Hitler was declared man of year?

He improved Germany's economy (1938).

Was Adolf Hitler the cruelest leader in Germany?

Yes Adolf Hitler was the cruelest person to know; HE WAS CRAZY MAN!

Who was the powerful man in Germany?

adolf Hitler

What kind of man was Adolf Hitler?

he is a mad

Who was the evilist man in history?

adolf Hitler