Bomber Raid was created in 1988.
how bomber hats got their name
The dive bomber was the Junkers Ju 87; but the German for Dive Bomber is Sturzkampfflugzeug. Germans were very fond of their own type of acronym, using the first syllable of a word rather than its initial letter; thus, Geheim Staatspolizeibecomes Gestapo, and Sturzkampfflugzeug becomes Stuka.
Joe Louis was known as the brown bomber
A Lancaster Bomber never crashed at Kiveton Park. It was a Wellington Bomber!
Bomber Raid was created in 1988.
Space Bomber happened in 1998.
Silent Bomber happened in 1999.
Canyon Bomber happened in 1978.
City Bomber happened in 1987.
Chaseabout Raid happened in 1565.
Lancaster raid happened in 1676.
Chesapeake raid happened in 1779.
Dalola raid happened in 2006.
Zawiya raid happened in 2011.
Nakhla raid happened in 623.
Granville Raid happened in 1945.