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The Food Rationing Program in the United States began in 1942 as an attempt to ensure the soldier fighting had enough food to survive. The war ended in 1945 but the rationing did not end until 1946.

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16y ago

The answer to this question is in a book called 'The Englishman's Food' by JC Drummond and Anne Wilbrahim, in a final chapter by Dorothy Hollingsworth added to a 1958 revised edition. Dorothy writes: 'Meat rationing..finished on December 15th 1919, the rationing of butter on May 30th, 1920, and of sugar on November 29th, 1920. March 31, 1921 saw the end of the control of flour milling...' Posted by Helen Johnson

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13y ago

Fourteen years of food rationing in Britain ended at midnight on 4 July 1954, when restrictions on the sale and purchase of meat and bacon were lifted. This happened nine years after the end of the war.

When the war ended in August 1945, rationing was only gradually phased out as Australia continued to support Britain with food parcels and exports for a number of years.

Sugar rationing, for instance, was finally abandoned in July 1947. A major increase in the world production of sugar meant that Britain no longer depended on Australian supplies.

The meat situation was quite different. In Britain the meat ration had been further reduced and in an effort to support the British public, the Australian Government maintained meat rationing and price controls until 1948.

The American influence on Australia's eating habits persisted after the war as well. Coca Cola, tinned spaghetti, Spam and Hamburgers became part of the Australian way of life as did supermarket shopping. Dr Jim Graham recalls Freecorns setting up its first supermarket in Napoleon Street. He describes it as a revolutionary new fad that gave Cottesloe its first taste of self-serve shopping

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14y ago

I varys depending on which type of food. For example, I believe that bread (please correct me if I am wrong) was still rationed into the 1950s and possibly the 1960s. Sorry that the answer is a bit vague and poor.

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16y ago

Rationing ended in 1946, a year after the war.

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In the UK rationing ended in 1954.

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it stoped on the 4th of July 1954

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What did d mean in rationing World War 2?

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Rationing continued on many items until 1954.•1948- The end of rationing begins. It is another 5 years before rationing of all products is stopped.•25 July 1948 - end of flour rationing•15 March 1949 - end of clothes rationing•19 May 1950 - rationing ended for canned and dried fruit, chocolate biscuits, treacle, syrup, jellies and mincemeat.•September 1950 - rationing ended for soap•3 October 1952 - Tea rationing ended•February 1953 - Sweet and sugar rationing ends•4 July 1954 - Food rationing ends

When did cloth rationing start?

Clothes Rationing started 2 years after food rationing! And it ended on 15 March 1949.

Why was rationing introduce?

Rationing was introduced because the foreign countries couldn't get food over here so they introduced rationing to make sure everyone get a fair share of weekly food.

What was the significance of rationing?

The significance of rationing was to save food. The food that was saved was sent to the soldiers fighting in World War 2

Who introduced food rationing?

Neville chamberlain introduced food rationing because Germans kept on bombing on supply ships and factories

Why was rationing introduced in London?

rationing was introduced because the foreign countries couldn't get food over here so they introduced rationing to make sure everyone get a fair share of weekly food

How long did rationing last in England?

WW2 rationing ended in 1954, with the end of the meat ration.

Why did the rationing stopped?

Rationing stopped because the war was over and there wasn't a shortage of food anymore.

When was food rationing stopped after World War 2 in UK?

Eventually, food rationing stopped at midnight on the 4th July 1954, when restrictions on the sale and purchase of meat and bacon were lifted. This happened nine years after the end of the war.

Know the name of the government agency responsible for rationing during the World War 2?

The Office of Price Administration administered the Food Ration Program and other rationing in the United States. The Food Department of the Board of Trade (Food Ministry) administrated the food rationing in Great Britain.

Was there ever Food Rationing in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland during World War 2 and after?

There was rationing in both jurisdictions. Rationing in the Republic was less severe however and ended before rationing in the North ended.