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"Advisors" is misleading. When did the first military advisors dedicated to advising combat operations is what most are wanting to ask.

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Chris Fletcher

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Most historians believe it was in 1961.

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in 1950


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Jack Plumb

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1954 A+

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Q: When did the US first send advisors to Vietnam?
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The US began to send military advisors to South Vietnam in .?

1954 A+

When did the US enter Vietnam?

If your referring to the Vietnam War, the first U.S military advisors arrived in Vietnam in 1950.

Who was the first president to send aid to the french in Vietnam?

President Eisenhower sent military advisors and maybe some technicians to Vietnam to help the government there stay in power. That was the beginning of US involvement there.

Who first put US advisors in Vietnam?

The earliest records of US advisors in Vietnam were from the Kennedy Administration (1960-1963), Kennedy was a strong supporter of the "Domino" Theory and was providing a lot of support to the leader of South Vietnam, Ngo Dinh Diem, it included US Advisors for training, strategy and maintenance, military aid of equipment, vehicles and weapons and huge amounts of monetary aid as well.

Start of the US invasion of Vietnam?

US military advisors were training the ARVNs in April 1956 in Vietnam. There was no "US invasion."

Did the US send combat troops to Vietnam just to protect its advisors and the south vietnamese government from North Vietnam and the Vietcong?

US Military Advisers were in South Vietnam to help the South defend themselves. When that didn't work, US Regulars were sent in. When that didn't work, they vacated the field.

What help did Australia send south Vietnam in 1962?

Australia mirrored the US. We sent in US Advisors and Special Forces (Green Beret), the Australians did the same (with their equivalent). When the US escalated, the Australians escalated.

How did the US get in the Vietnam War?

US assistance to France was the precursor and the introduction of Army advisors was the actual point of US entry into the Vietnam War.

When did the US first send troops to Vietnam and when was a ceasefire signed?


What was the main task of the Australian army advisors in Vietnam?

Same as US; instruction.

What was American doing when first involved in the Vietnam war?

American involvement in Vietnam started with military advisors. The soldiers didn't come until was a habbit of us to interfere in others affairs.

How many US military advisors were in South Vietnam in 1963?

Less than 50,000.