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The US joined the Vietnam War in 1960 or 1955because there was a civil war between North Vietnam and South Vietnam, and the US was good friends with South Vietnam's goverment, so they helped out.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Special Forces (Green Berets) were sent to Vietnam by President Kennedy in the early 1960's. REGULAR US ground troops were sent in 1965.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

We preformed bombing raids on the Viet Cong in 1965

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Q: When did the US join the war in Vietnam?
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Why did US join Vietnam?

To fight communism; part of the cold war.

When did America join war?

US war in RVN commenced in 1955. US war against North Vietnam commenced in 1964.

How many people join the Vietnam war?

Over 2 1/2 million US Servicemen fought in Vietnam.

When did the US join in the vietnam war?

Special Forces (Green Berets) were sent to Vietnam by President Kennedy in the early 1960's. REGULAR US ground troops were sent in 1965.

Why did Americans join the Vietnam war?

To stop Communism spreading into South Vietnam.

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We were at war with Vietnam because they disagreed with us about something.

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The US is not at war Iraq. The US was at war with a nation called North Vietnam.

Between the wars of Iraq and Vietnam?

The US is not at war with Iraq. The US was at war with North Vietnam.

What was the cost to the US of the Vietnam war?

See website: Vietnam War

What are some connections between the Vietnam and Iraq wars?

None. The US is not at war with Iraq. In Vietnam, the US was at war with North Vietnam.