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Under Robert E. Lee in the Peninsula campaign in summer 1862.

And tactically, also under Lee, in the first part of the Overland campaign, though not strategically. Grant pinned him down at Petersburg, and then it was only a matter of time before the surrender at Appomattox.

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Q: When did the confederate states succeed?
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How did the confederate states succeed?

by developing a common ground to which every person has the power to add or detract land claims by popular sovereignty

Where did the confederate states succeed?

It succeeded in fighting for four years for its' cause,when many in the North were saying it would be a "90 days war".

How did former confederate states succeed in disenfranchising African Americans?

because the north didnt want the blacks so they shoved the problem down south

Which states are confederate states?

Now there are no confederate states but there are some people who still have confederate beliefs.

What was the official name of the Southern nation when they seceded from the union?

The Confederacy or The Confederate States of America

What did the seceding states call the government they formed?

When the southern US States seceded from the United States of America in 1860, the government they formed was called the Confederate States of America

Why was Jefferson Davis so important?

He was the President of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. He did not want to secede (separate) from the Union, at first, but supported it after his state seceded. He then became the president of the Confederate States of America and led them into battles during the civil war, but did not succeed. Instead, he lost the war and was thrown into jail.

Last confederate state to succeed?

North Carolina May 20, 1861

Were the southern states confederate or union?

The southern states were Confederate states. The northern states were part of the Union. :)

Who seceeded Robert E. Lee?

This is unclear. 'Secede' is what the eleven Southern states did. As for 'succeed', nobody succeeded Lee in the post of Confederate General-in-Chief. He occupied that post until the surrender.

What does Confederate sympathizer mean?

A Confederate sympathizer is someone who supports or shows empathy towards the Confederate States of America, which seceded from the Union during the American Civil War. These individuals may express admiration for the Confederate cause, its leaders, or its symbols. Confederate sympathizers often believe in states' rights, limited federal government intervention, or other principles associated with the Confederacy.

What were the confederate states called during the civil war?

Confederate States of America