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From what I can find it was April 5th, 1945 but that is from diaries of soldiers that fought there.

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Q: When was Buedingen Germany taken over by Americans during World War 2?
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How many Americans were in Germany during World War 1?

they were 50,000 soldiers

Did any non German born Americans fight for Germany during World War 2?


How did Americans view Germany during world war 1?

Through a Norton Bombsite from 28,000 feet.

Why were the Americans flying with The British during World War 1?

Americans and the British were allies during WWI and helped each other out in order to defeat the central power Germany.

Did Americans join German side?

During World War II, some Americans did fight on the German side but this was uncommon and typically involved individuals with strong ideological beliefs or personal reasons for supporting Germany. The vast majority of Americans fought for the Allied Powers against Germany.

Why were most Americans sympathetic to Britain and the allied powers during the early years of world war 1?

Suspicion of Germany's autocratic government (apex)

Did German Americans enlist in the German army during World War 2?

probably, and those inducted when they were visiting Germany at the time war broke out.....

How do Americans feel about Germany?

During World War II, Americans severely disliked Germany. The reverse is also true of Germans, since both sides were being fed massive amounts of propaganda about the other. Currently, Americans and Germans get along well, and there seems to be minimal, if any, residual animosity.

How did the Americans get car to Germany in World War 2?

By ship

Was Germany a autocracy during World War 2?

Germany was very much an autocracy during World War 2.

What is currency name of Germany during world war 2?

Germany's currency during World War 2 was the Reichmark .

What countries were invaded by France during World War 2?

Germany invaded France during World War II.