

When was Hitler adopted?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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Adolf Hitler was not adopted. He was born to Maria Anna Schicklgruber in 1889 but Maria was not married when she had Adolf. His birth was not legitimized until after his mother passed away in 1847.

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Q: When was Hitler adopted?
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Was Hitler adopted?

Hitler wasn't adopted his mother is called Klara Polzl and his father is called Alois Hitler

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No, Hitler was not adopted.

Was Adolf Hitler adopted?

No, he was not. But his father was semi-adopted by his stepfather.

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What name did Hitler adopt?

Adolf Hitler's father was originally named Alois Schiklgruber, but he adopted the name of Hitler before Adolf was born.

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He had no children, foster, adopted, biological or otherwise

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Policy of appeasement.

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Hitler adopted the stiff-armed salute for his troops from Benito Mussolini, who had copied the old Roman salute. Hitler went to the extreme had had civilian people punished who would not give the salute. The salute was not given to victory but was given with the verbal salute of "Heil Hitler". ________ Another theory I've heard is that he adopted Mussolini's fascist arm raise only because he had a hand-shaking phobia.

Was Adolph Hilter adopted?

No, Adolf Hitler was not adopted, but was born in Gasthof zum Pommer, which was an inn in Braunau am Inn, Austria-Hungary. He was the son of Alois (father) and Klara (mother) Hitler. Young Adolf was very close to his mother, while his father constantly beat him and gave him lashes.

Did Hitler ever have any Jewish children?

I would not think so, but according to the Translators notes in Mein Kampf (by A Hitler), Hitler's father, Alois Hiedler, was born illegitmate. It is "possible" that Hitler's unknown grandfather was Jewish. How's that for irony? ___ Are the question and answer referring to the same Hitler? My reading of the question is that the question refers to Adolf, not to Alois.

Why did Adolf Hitler become so mean?

Did you ever see that episode of "The Twilight Zone" in which they went back in time and tried to kill Hitler (as a baby, of course), but ended up killing his adopted-brother? His parents adopted Hitler after their REAL son died (because they killed him). His parents didn't raise Hitler like a normal son. They treated him differently because he was adopted. That's how he got so mean. (I think it was all the BEER!) -Mariakanellis13- that is not what happened...that show is so fake and not real. um He became mean because he always loved painting and he was rejected by a jewish painter thing so he started hating jewish people