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Hitler adopted the stiff-armed salute for his troops from Benito Mussolini, who had copied the old Roman salute. Hitler went to the extreme had had civilian people punished who would not give the salute. The salute was not given to victory but was given with the verbal salute of "Heil Hitler".


Another theory I've heard is that he adopted Mussolini's fascist arm raise only because he had a hand-shaking phobia.

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Q: Hitler's hail to victory salute
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"Sieg Heil" translates to "Hail Victory" in English. It was a common Nazi salute used during the Third Reich in Germany.

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Why did Adolf Hitler do the type of salute that he did?

Hitler modelled his 'Third Riech' on the Roman Empire. This can easily be seen in the classical building project which he embarked on. The open handed salute was copied from the Roman military salute. With the salute were spoken the words 'Sieg Hiel' which translated means "Hail to the call of victory" which was sometimes combined with a heel click.

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The German-English translation means "hail victory". The Nazi meaning is "we will win" or "we salute the highest".

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It means Hail Hitler! However, there is a certain ambiguity about it, and it could mean Salvation [through] Hitler. For this reason, such Christians refused to use it.ANSWER"Sieg Heil" is a German phrase, meaning "Victory Hail" or "Hail Victory". During the Nazi era, it was a common shout at political rallies. When meeting someone, it was customary in Nazi Germany to give the Hitler salute and say the words "Heil Hitler!".Hail Hitler

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Victory. Siegheil means hail to victory.

What happened to people who refused to render hitlers salute?

they probably got killed some horrible way

When was Hail Victory created?

Hail Victory was a slogan used by the Nazi party in Germany during World War II, particularly by the paramilitary organization known as the Sturmabteilung (SA) or Storm Detachment. It was used to rally supporters and promote victory for the Nazi regime.

How is sleet and hail the same?

no they are not sleet is precipitation in the form of ice pellets created by thefreezing of rain as it fallsand hail is to cheer, salute, or greet;

Do you salute during sounding of honors?

Yes, you should render the salute during the "Sounding of Honors". You also salute the playing of the National Anthem (of ANY country, not just the US), "To The Colors", and "Hail to the Chief".

Do you render hand salute to the sounding of honors?

Yes, you should render the salute during the "Sounding of Honors". You also salute the playing of the National Anthem (of ANY country, not just the US), "To The Colors", and "Hail to the Chief".