uno the card was invented in the 1900's The game was originally developed in 1971 so 38 years ago
The United Nations Organization headquarters are in New York City.
If you mean organization like a group to help countries work things out... then that would be the United Nations.
it was created when it was
Not in My Airforce was created in 1996.
Canal Uno was created in 1954.
Mercatone Uno was created in 1992.
Banda Uno was created in 1955.
Anno uno was created in 1974.
Studio Uno was created in 1965.
Rete Uno was created in 1936.
Fiat Uno was created in 1983.
Uno's Garden was created in 2006.
Sky Uno was created in 2009.
Uno scandalo perbene was created in 1984.
Las Numero Uno was created in 2010.
Uno Entre Mil was created in 1988.