Albert Speer was he took over from Fritz Todt when he died in a plane crash.
It is commonly called a "scorched earth" policy. Hitler ordered Albert Speer to institute a scorched earth policy near the end of the war. Without telling Hitler, Speer ignored the command (he revealed this to Hitler only a few days before Hitler committed suicide). Speer's refusal to, literally, "burn Germany to the ground" is part of why when he was tried at Nuremberg, he got 20 years instead of life or execution.
Cerebral hemorrhageYes, but it should also be added that his death occurred in London with his young English mistress present. Gitta Serny in her exhaustive bio on Speer mentions that he admitted this affair to her and that she thought he was a different man - happy, carefree - compared to the man she had been interviewing over the years. She chalked up the affair as a good thing - a freeing of his constrained psyche, if you will.I mention this because the fact is usually glossed over and I think its very relevant if you read anything about Speer. This behavior was a huge break with his former way of life and almost leads one to believe we may have learned a lot more about his true knowledge during the Nazi era had he lived longer.
The mysterious mistress in whose company Speer died suddenly during a visit to London in 1981, was supposedly a married "English-German" woman, according to a reliable biography of Speer on YouTube. Speer admitted to his wife that he was having that illicit affair according to the same biography on YouTube. It is incredible to note that great care has been taken to hide the name and identity of that mistress, such as who she was married to, how she met Speer, and anything else about her background, history and professional life. Is it part of a "cover-up"? If so, who is responsible and why? It is more than 30 years since Speer died while in bed with her in England (a country that he and the Nazis bombed mercilessly with bombs and rockets and tried to annihilate the British during WWII). There must certainly be police and investigative reports as to her identity and role, and by now such information deserves to become public. Why should such a woman be "deserving" of ongoing anonymity if she was involved with a former top-rank Nazi like Speer who was one of Hitler's closest confidants and who served as Munitions Minister of the Third Reich, since Speer ran, guided and fueled the Nazi war machine and war effort for years.
Yes he was. His son Steven played the drums on a GOSPEL JUBILEE program for the Speers, I saw the program
Albert Speer was born on March 19, 1905.
Albert Speer was born on March 19, 1905.
Albert Speer was the Minister of Armaments.
Albert Speer died on September 1, 1981 at the age of 76.
Albert Friedrich Speer was born on 1863-05-06.
Albert Speer was born on March 19, 1905 and died on September 1, 1981. Albert Speer would have been 76 years old at the time of death or 110 years old today.
Google "Albert Speer"
Albert Speer died on September 1, 1981 at the age of 76.
Albert Speer was Hitlers architect and German minister for Armaments from 1942 to 1945. Albert Apeer was one of Hitlers favourite people and both enjoyed eachothers company greatly as they both had architecture in common. Albert Speer joined the NAZI party in 1931 and 1934 Speer became Hitlers personal architect.
not 100% sure what you mean but Albert Speer was Chief Arcitect for Hitler before he mvoed to minesterial job the Nazi artichect in terms of hte final solution was Heinrich Himmler Hope this answers your question
It was Albert Speer.