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Yes. Most Civil War soldiers were burried in mass graves. These mass graves were simply hastily dug trenches, maybe 4-5 feet deep at the maximum. The dead were then cast into these trenches and covered with soil. Mass graves were typically left unmarked, or if they were marked, very little information was left, basically leaving the dead soldiers as 'anonymous'.

Some soldiers had the priveledge of being given a proper burial, but they were in the minority. After a major battle resulting in thousands of deaths, the main objective was not to mark who exactly had died, but to simply dispose of the bodies and move on.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Most of the time when people died in the civil war and no one claimed them they would be buried in pit graves or ditch graves

about 53,000 pit graves or ditch graves were made for 120,000 soldiers

but some of the officers who were claimed by wealthier families were preserved and shipped home for burial. this was one of the first wars in which this happened.

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