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Under houses, anywhere where the Natzi soldiers, germans, or Adolff Hitler would have looked. I am positive!

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

People were cramed in bunks together and that's where they had to sleep.

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Q: Where did the camp prisoners sleep during the holocaust days?
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What was the ground like in the concerntration camp during the holocaust?

muddy, the prisoners would have eaten the grass.

How many people died in the Gleiwitz concentration camp?

During the holocaust, Gleiwitz concentration camp in Gliwice, Poland, was operational between March of 1944 and January of 1945. During this time the camp held around 1,300 prisoners. It is thought that many, if not all, of these prisoners died.

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A work camp during the holocaust was the code name for a Jewish resistanse camp.

Did anne frank die in her sleep?

No, Anne Frank did not die in her sleep. She died in a concentration camp during the Holocaust.

What was the crematory in the camp during the holocaust?

They were buildings in the camps were prisoners who had died were burned to ashes. Some of the camps, such as Auschwitz-Birkenau, contained a gas chamber in the same building.

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Death marches were the marching of inmates from one concentration camp to another.

How many Jews can fit in one house during the holocaust?

The number of prisoners placed in each Barrack varied by camp, so there isn't an exact answer but it was usually a few hundred.

What types of prisoners did bergen belsen?

During the Holocaust, Jews were sent into the concetration camps as prisoners and/or slaves. Other than that, before the Holocaust, Nazis sent enemies to the concetration camps. The extermination camps came into most use during the Holocaust. Before that, it was used for expeirimenting and enemies.

What is the name of the biggest death camp during the holocaust?

The largest of the death camps during the holocaust was Auschwitz, in Poland.

What happened to half of the prisoners who were rescued from the camp?

They were set free, just like the rest of the Holocaust survivors that made it out of the war.

Was dachau an extermination camp?

During the Holocaust, Dachau was a Concentration Camp.

What was the first Concentration camp during the Holocaust?

It was auscwhitz in poland