President Carter did not support the amnesty for men who left the US to avoid the draft during the Vietnam war due to his will to win the war and defeat Vietnam.
President Harry Truman isssued the policy of containment
presadent oboma
Richard M. Nixon
The policy was very widely supported in Britain and France. It is, however, associated with Neville Chamberlain, who was Prime Minister of Britain from 1937 to 1940. In practice, he inherited a very difficult situation from his predecessor, Stanley Baldwin.
They are supported by the electorate and the Congress.
the policy was supported by the people of the United States.
Whoever wrote roosevelt is a DA The answer is nixon and reagan
The White Australia policy was the Policy of the Government of the time - it was not imposed through a vote. Like so much Government policy it was not supported by many of the voting public at that time. Australia already had a large Chinese population (post the Gold Rush of the 1850's) by the time this poicy was in effect and they would not be expected to have supported this policy
Trickle down economics was an economic policy supported by Ronald Reagan.
ronald regan
supported by business.
Dollar Diplomacy
Supported by Business- Novanet