axis countries must give up completely
Countries do accept mail from other countries with foreign postage. In fact, it is the standard practice. If you go to a US Post Office to mail a letter or package to another country, then you will pay in US currency for US postage what the US Post Office charges to send it overseas. Likewise people in other countries pay in their local currency for their national postage to mail things to the US.
It depends on what you mean by involved. Some Jews from Vichy controlled French North Africa were handed over to the Nazis, but apart from that active involvement did not extend beyond Europe. However, it you include countries that refused to accept refugees, then one can make out a case to the effect that most countries were in some sense involved by default.
who did not accept the marshall plan
The voyage of the St Louis (May-June 1939) has no bearing on World War 2. It vivdily illustrates the reluctance of other countries to accept refugees from Nazi Germany.
London, etc.
Florida daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
No. You can turn it down, you never have to accept their offer.
In Britain during the Battle of Britain and after the Invasion of Normandy children were evacuated from London and other areas being bombed by the Nazi Germans. The children were taken by trains to safer rural areas to stay with people who had signed up to care for the children. This evacuation was administered by the Ministry of Health. Evacuees also came from Europe who were fleeing from the Nazi Germans. They evacuated their homes and went to Spain, Portugal, England, Ireland, USA, Canada and any other country they could reach and who would accept them. Some people do not call them evacuees but rather escapees or evaders. But the proper term is evacuee.
No. It is an offer of aid to you. You can decline the offer
You don't. The best thing you can do is accept it.
Practice singing, try out for the choir, and accept if offered a spot.
To accept conditions that are offered as part of an agreement.
The countries of Eastern Europe (which became satellites of the USSR after World War 2) in most cases did not accept aid under the Marshall Plan because of their control by Moscow.
offer mean to present for accept