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The "Central Powers" were the German, Austrian, and Ottoman Empires.

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โˆ™ 16y ago
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โˆ™ 13y ago

France, Great Britain, Belgium, the USA, Japan vs Austria-Hungary Germany, Russia and Italy

i also think Canada helped the USA but I'm not sure

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โˆ™ 4y ago

the enemy

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Q: Which countries were enemies in world war 1?
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What countries were US enemies during World War 1?

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Trinidad was a colony of Britain in World War One, so technically, Britain's enemies would have been its enemies also.

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I'm guessing this one - England and Germany

Who were Englands enemies in World War 1?

World War 1 began in the year 1914. England's enemies in the war was the German Empire as well as the Ottoman Empire.

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Who were the enemies of Australia in World War 1?

i do not know

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What three countries were Americas enemies during World War 1?

* The German Empire. * The Austria-Hungarian Empire. * The Ottoman Empire. * Bulgaria

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It was so much easier to defend than attack in World War 1. There were so many enemies all around and it was only logical for countries to defend themselves.

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Their enemies were people he he lol

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What countries were at war with Italy prior to World War 1?

Italy and Turkey were fighting over Libya till 1912