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The Soviet Union ... plus assorted individual socialists.


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Q: Which country sent aid to Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil War?
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What country sent aid to Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil War?


Who was the leader of the fascists in the spanish civil war?

They were led by General Francisco Franco Bahamonde .

Who was the general who became the dictator of Spain after the civil war?

Francisco Franco was the Spanish military dictator during World War 2.

During the Spanish Civil War Francisco Franco was the leader of?

it was a black guy

During Spain's civil war Francisco Franco was the leader of?

Spanish rebel troops.

Francisco Franco and il Duce?

Il Duce, the Italian dictator Mussolini, supported Franco during the Spanish Civil War.

What currency is named after Francisco Franco?

No currency was named after Franco. During his tenure the Spanish currency was the Peseta. The Peseta was replaced by the Euro.

Who led revolt in Spain?

Francisco Franco led the revolutionary forces during the Spanish Civil War.

Which country sent aid to Franco during the Spanish civil war?

Italy Germany

During the 1900s what country was ruled by the dictator Francisco Franco for more than 35 years?


Who was the leader of Spain during World War II?

During WWII, Spain was dictatorship led by General Francisco Franco Bahamonde.

Who ruled Spain during 1939-1975?

Francisco (Bahamonde) Franco.