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During the Vietnam War, ARP's were Aerial Rifle Platoons that secured LZ's (Landing Zones).

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Q: Which member of thARP in world war 2 wore a helmet with the letter R on it?
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How old do you think my world war 1 helmet is?

Its over 50 years old.

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When Germany change their helmet during world war 1?

Their Model 1916 was their first all steel helmet which replaced their leather spiked helmet.

Where can someone purchase helmet visors with cool designs on them?

Helmet visors with cool designs on them can be purchased from Ride Apart, Etsy, Amazon, Helmet Superstore, Race Visors, Bike World, Helmet Boys and Sports Unlimited.

How do you get that green helmet on Club Penguin?

It is also known as the "Emerald Helmet." There is only one way to get it: meet a Club Penguin staff member. And not just on Club Penguin, in PERSON. They will give you a code which you can enter in Unlock Items Online and get the green viking helmet. Tips: Club Penguin's headquarters are located in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. And you might be able to see one in Disney Land or Disney World.

When can you buy a knight helmet in Animal Crossing Wild World?

No specific date is assigned when the knight helmet will appear. It is random and sporadic.

How do you remove the liner from a World War 2 German M1940 helmet?

there are THREE fastners that hold the liner in place. they are located about mid-way up on the sides of the helmet. they are REMOVED from the INSIDE of the helmet

What was the British helmet during the First World War called?

The British helmet used by soldiers during the First World War, also referred to as World War I or The Great War, was a steel helmet which was called the Brodie Helmet. Soldiers wore these to protect their heads as contact between their heads and another object like bullets or melee weapons could prove to be dangerous and life-threatening.

How much is a helmet and pick ax on sifaka world?

200 coins

How much is a real world 1 helmet worth?

Easily $100+