It was the economic boom that eventually lead to the great American depression. The economic boom of the 1920s.
The boom was caused by the remobbing (sending home) of the soldiers after the war, more resources were needed and everything was in higher demand, so businesses produced more and more. However, not everyone benefited from the boom. The price of farm produce dropped as the demand was no longer as high (people had no need for cheaper goods now that their husbands were bringing in so much money from their booming businesses) in order for farmers to make up for the money they were losing, they produced more causing over-production. They were left with too much produced that they were unable to sell and could not sell it abroad because of the expensive tariff that had been put in place (The FordneyMccumber tariff)- this happend in the 1920s towards the end of the boom as the economy began to crash. Other stuff happend as well but it take for ever to explain. Poorer people, black Americans, most Chinese immigrants also did not benefit. The economic boom was also social. Flappers began making bold statements (women who cut their hair short and burnt their Bras) advertisement was HUGE. Fads (crazes) such as marathon dancing, stuntment etc became a huge part of the entertainment business, along with cinemas...
Yes, the American economy experience a boost with the war going on in Europe (before 1917) they were supplying both sides with military weapons and food
Well I don't know if this answers your question,or at least part of it,but the Battle of Kursk was the biggest battle in World War 2.Followed by the Battle of Prussia.The 5th biggest was the Battle of Berlin.Hope this answers your question.=)
Japan did not play any particular part in WW1 asside from patroling Australia's shores while Our navy was in Europe.
Because part of any war is the economic side. Manufacturing weapons, armament, etc. was good for the economy and is what bought the US out of the depression.
The biggest tank battle of WWII was the Battle of Kursk (5jul-23aug1943) fought between Russian and German tanks at Kursk in western Russia, on the Seym RiverOver 6000 tanks, 2 million troops, and 4000 aircraft took part in this one battle.
What part of the world? This rather vague question needs more information.
It isn't. England is part of the United Kingdom, along with Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and it is the eighth biggest economy in the world.
Indian railway has been a major boost in Indian economy. It has played a major part in progress of India.
North America
in todays date INDIA is the biggest milk producer.... that too AMUL contributes the biggest part....
The biggest desert in the world, the Sahara.
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2/3 of the world is covered in water 1/3 land.
tourism: the business of providing things for people to do, places to stay, etc. while they are on vacation. Tourism is an important part of Mexico's economy. Spring break tourism gives a boost to Key West Florida's economy each year.