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Korea. Although there was conflict in Vietnam against the French in the 1950s, it is more associated with the intervention of the US in the 1960s... Korea was 1950 to 1953. Effectively the UN (US & British mainly) against the Chinese backed North Koreans. Korea is still divided along the 38th Parallel.

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The Korean War. The Korean War started in 1950 and ended in 1953. And the Vietnam War started in 1955 and ended in 1975.

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World War 2 (1939 to 1945) preceded the Vietnam War (1956 to 1975) .

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Q: Which war came first the Vietnam war or the war in Korea?
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Which came first the Vietnam War or the Korean War?

Korea: 1950-1953.

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Vietnam was the second "hot" battle of the COLD WAR. Korea was the first "hot" battle.

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The British fought in Korea, not Vietnam.