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J A Topf und Soehne, Erfurt. The company had an established reputation for building efficient crematoria and other furnaces that reached very high temperatures using low-grade coal.

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I think it was Jurgen Lanowski

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Jewish imagination

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Q: Who built the ovens used in the Holocaust?
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What were ovens in the Holocaust?

The ovens in the holocaust were used to burn the corpses of those who were killed in concentration camps.

Did Honda help make the ovens during the holocaust?

Absolutely not. Honda is a Japanese company that was founded in 1948, a full 3 years after WW2. The ovens used in the Holocaust were built by Germans or with German slave labor.

What is the literal meaning of the Holocaust?

"Holocaust" comes from the Hebrew word for a "Burnt Offering". It likely refers to the ovens that were used in the Nazi concentration camps, or perhaps just the mass slaughter in general.

Did you have to be dead to be put in the ovens during the Holocaust?

no. putting live people in the ovens was a form of torture. it was a horrible death, I am sure.

Where were these people take in holocaust?

consintration camps and gas chambers ovens

How were the Jews punished during the Holocaust?

Over 6 million of them were gassed then their bodies were burnt in ovens.

What is the difference between built in and built under ovens?

A wall oven is a free standing stove. Wall ovens are usually used in pizza restaurants for cooking pizza. Under the bench ovens, are ovens that are built to fit under a counter or under the burners on the rest of a stove.

Are there microwave ovens with the opening to the left?

No. They are not currently manufactured. Most retailers offer a drop-down door on built in microwave ovens. Sharp and Whirpool offer a small range of products which can also be used as freestanding, but expect to pay a similar price to built in products

What are some models of ovens that Belling produces?

There are a number of different types of Belling ovens that are produced. Some of the models of ovens offered by Belling are built in ovens, free standing cookers (ovens), range cookers, baby Belling small ovens and microwaves.

Are GE Profile electric ovens generally energy efficient?

Yes, GE Profile ovens are generally energy efficient. They made a wide variety of ranges and built-in ovens. A 27" built-in double oven runs around $2500.

When was the holocaust muesum built?

10661 ;)

How were Nazi prison camps established before the start of the Holocaust different from those created after the Holocaust began?

The Nazis did not plan to murder all prisoners in camps built before the Holocaust